



It’s okay if life scares you right now and you don’t really know what to do next.

It’s okay if everything seems to be hurting and all you feel is anxious and worried.

And it’s okay if you are hopeless about everything.

It’s okay.

It’s okay.

It’s okay.

All these feelings have value and you don’t have to pretend like they don’t hurt you.

Our greatest strength lies in our ability to acknowledge our pain and the things that hurt us.

Remember everything that you are going through is temporary, none of them are here to stay.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem to add up at the moment. Sometimes things take time to fall into place and make sense.”

But when they leave they will leave you as a person stronger than ever before.

So let yourself feel all that you need to feel.

Do whatever you feel necessary for you to heal yourself.

It’s okay if it takes time.
