

Imagine the moment when you step outside with a smile on your face, feeling joyful and content.Β  The feeling we want you to experience whenever you leave your house.

Let’s make it happen!

“Imagine walking side by side with someone you love, laughing and talking about everything and anything.

We’ll experience that again, walking in each other’s company.

It will be a beautiful moment that we’ll cherish forever.”

“If we fail in this realm, let’s take heart in knowing that we can always try again in the next.

Let’s keep pushing forward!”

Just imagine the adventures we’ll have and the tales we’ll share!

Oh, the stories that will unfold when we embark on our journey…


God πŸ‘‘

Amen πŸ«‚
The fall of Man was a terrible time. 
Not only had man disobeyed God, but they had lost the freedom, peace and comfort in having a relationship with God. Once they made the mistake and discovered they were naked, Adam and Eve ran to hide when God came to look for them. They hid because they were ashamed - they were ashamed of what they had done. Even though God was looking for them, Adam and Eve felt they couldn't face Him, not after what they had done.

That is what sin does to us. It makes us feel as if we cannot commune with God. When we make mistakes, the devil tries to take advantage of them and make us feel like we are less than who we are. The devil is bent on causing a divide between us and God. He will go to any length to do so. When we slip up and disobey God, the devil jumps in, ready to condemn us and make us feel like we are unworthy. If we are not knowledgeable of God's love and His everlasting mercy, we will fall for the enemy's trickery. The moment the enemy manages to make us feel less, he will keep on beating us down until we believe it.

God doesn't want us to see ourselves in that light. There is nothing we will gain from beating ourselves up. God doesn't delight in seeing it. That is not what He desires for our lives. When we make mistakes, we need to realise that God has forgiven us. This does not mean we deliberately repeat the offence. No. It simply means that we should focus our eyes back on Christ and keep moving forward. Guilt is not from God, and neither is condemnation.
Amen πŸ«‚



Our society’s institutions have failed the vulnerable and the oppressed for far too long.

It is our responsibility as humans to acknowledge and take action against the systems that perpetrate poverty and suffering.

Let us unite in compassion and solidarity to create a world where every individual has access to basic necessities and opportunities.

Our greatness as a society will be measured by how we treat the weakest among us.

#EndPoverty #SocialJustice #Compassion #Solidarity


Watch “Kari Job Ever – Healer (Lyric Video)” on YouTube Peace-truth Humanity & Peace ✌️

Thank you for being yourself! Your presence is not only welcomed but also essential. Your unique contributions make a difference and inspire others. Keep being unique, and let me know if there’s anything I can do to support you!

We are at peace with God, the Father, as a result of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us when He came to earth to fulfil the will of God. Through faith, which is expressed through receiving salvation and submitting to Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as the Lord and Savior of our lives, we activate that personal reconciliation with God. We have to make an active and conscious decision to be saved. It won’t fall on us from the sky.

The Bible states, in Romans 10:9-10, that the one who confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and they believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead then He will be saved. This all has to do with the actions we take to affirm our salvation. Confessing and, most importantly, believing the gospel in our hearts.

Through Jesus Christ, we have access to the grace that we did not merit in any way. This grace is what has made us children of God. It is by grace we can look at our futures with eager expectation of the glory that is to come.

It is because of Jesus Christ, and the peace that we have with God, that we can rejoice and be steadfast in times of trials and tribulations. Instead of shaking and cowering away, we stand boldly because we know that God is with us. Our hearts are strengthened during the challenges we face. We build up patience so that the next time a similar trial comes our way, we will confidently endure.

Have you ever felt the warmth of a kind gesture? It costs nothing, and yet it can make someone’s day. That’s the beauty of kindness – it’s free, abundant, and has the power to spread joy. So why not sprinkle it wherever you go? You never know; your small act of kindness could make a big difference in someone’s life.

Best Reads

Good Times Bad Times ~ Led Zeppelin


Led Zeppelin is a British rock band that was formed in 1968. The band members included Robert Plant as the lead vocalist, Jimmy Page as the guitarist, John Paul Jones as the bassist and keyboardist, and John Bonham as the drummer. Led Zeppelin is considered one of the most influential rock bands in history, having revolutionised the genre with their powerful guitar riffs, intricate drumming, and blues-infused sound.

The band’s iconic songs, such as β€œStairway to Heaven,” β€œWhole Lotta Love,” and β€œKashmir,” have become legendary and still resonate with fans today. Led Zeppelin’s music has been described as a blend of blues, heavy metal, and hard rock, with a touch of folk and psychedelic rock.

In addition to their groundbreaking music, Led Zeppelin’s live performances were known for their energy and improvisation. The band’s influence on rock music can still be felt today, and they continue to inspire new generations of musicians.

Good Times Bad Times
Ace Technolgy News PEACE & TRUTH

Two Becomes One.

Are you tired of being dragged down by drama and negativity in your business?

Well, guess what?

There’s a way out, and it’s super exciting!

By letting go of all the negative vibes and embracing peace and truth, you can unlock the hidden potential of your creativity and achieve your goals like never before.

So, let’s dive headfirst into a world of endless possibilities and create a prosperous future you’ve always dreamed of!

Greetings! How can I assist you today? I’m eager to lend a hand, so please don’t hesitate to let me know what you need help with. By the way, I’m curious to know more about you. If you could kindly share one word you believe best describes you, I’d be delighted to hear it! I’m open-minded and non-judgmental, so feel free to use any word that comes to mind – I’m all ears and ready to listen.

Two Becomes One.



“An individual who has reached maturity tends to experience love as an uplifting force rather than a fall. The term ‘fall’ tends to be more applicable to those who are still in the process of learning and growing. Such individuals may stumble and falter in their pursuit of love. However, before that, they were managing to stand on their own. Yet, when they find a significant other, they may struggle to maintain their balance. They may appear to lack the resilience and confidence to stand independently. Nonetheless, with patience and support, they can learn and grow, eventually reaching a stage of self-reliance and maturity.”

Being comfortable with one’s own company is a sign of maturity. A mature person offers love unconditionally without expecting anything in return. Expressing gratitude when receiving love is the hallmark of a mature individual rather than expecting appreciation. When two mature individuals are in love, they experience a beautiful paradox – being together yet preserving their individuality. Their connection enhances their individuality.

Two mature persons in love help each other to become more accessible. There is no politics involved, no diplomacy, no effort to dominate. How can you dominate the person you love? Just think about it. Domination is a sort of hatred, anger, hostility. How can you think of dominating a person you love? You would love to see the person feel independent; you will give him more individuality. That’s why I call it the greatest paradox: they are together so much so that they are almost one, but still, in that oneness, they are individuals. Their individualities Hey there! I just wanted to remind you about something important that should never be forgotten or erased. The message is simple but powerful:Β  I’ve got something interesting to share with you. Did you know that some things in life are unforgettable? No matter how much time passes, they are not ashamed of our memory. Fascinating, isn’t it?”.

” It’s a reminder to hold onto the things that matter most, to cherish the memories that make life worth living, and to never give up on the things that make us who we are. So, let’s hold onto that message tight and never forget it! They have become more enhanced. The other has enriched them as far as their freedom is concerned.

In relationships, have you ever noticed that something seems to happen frequently? Well, “It is often observed.” that certain occurrences tend to repeat themselves. Interesting, right? Individuals who are not yet mature tend to impose certain restrictions on each other, which can lead to feelings of being confined and constrained. On the other hand, mature individuals who are in love tend to support each other in achieving personal freedom and overcoming any limitations. When love is expressed freely and without dependency, it can bring beauty and joy. However, when expressed with dependency, it can lead to feelings of fear and horror.




Have you ever stopped to ponder the power of a smile?

It’s incredible how such a small gesture can do wonders!

A smile is like a burst of happiness that brightens your day and everyone around you.

It’s a priceless gift that doesn’t cost a penny, yet it’s worth more than any treasure, as it can keep your heart warm and glowing.

So, never underestimate the magic of a smile.

Let it flow like a sparkling river and touch the hearts of others most delightfully.

Wear your bright and cheerful grin and see how it can transform your life and the lives of those you cross paths with!