
Ace says ……They Know Not What They Do

Amen 🙏🙏


This is the ‘ Word of God ‘ that spake from the lips of Jesus (Iesu) on that fateful day so long ago with the foreword of ‘ Forgive ‘ with adding ‘ Them ‘ but as l was learning and being taught by God who those ‘ Them ‘ are in the world of today …….


The world is split in our belief of ‘ Right & Wrong ‘ as in ‘ Left & Right ‘ and as in ‘ First & Last ‘ and of course the ‘ Beginning & End ‘ like A&M who believe it will bring a better world than today ……


Now let us look at the split of ‘ Right & Wrong ‘ with God it is ‘ Right Not Wrong ‘ to provide ‘ Kindness & Love ‘ its is God that gave us a ‘ Right & Left ‘ part of his creation and everything that has a ‘ Beginning & End ‘ of all things in the world of today ……


So to ‘ Know ‘ like in the ‘ Garden of Eden ‘ that Adam was told like A&M with all the ‘ Knowledge of God ‘ who said ‘ Let Their Be Light ‘ and the ‘ Word was Amongst Us & We Comprehended It Not ‘ as with the Beginning & End ‘ in the world of today ……


Now as we are told, some belief by using the ‘ Key ‘ that God gave A&M and will to some like You & Me, but have any Key will need ‘ Help & Guidance ‘ who are ‘ Poor In Heart ‘ like A&M used to be when they walked in the world of today …….


So back in the ‘ Garden of Eden ‘, Adam did not Listen to God. Still, when Jesus (Iesu) said they ‘ Know Not What They Do ‘ nor Did Adam that day as God had blinded their Mind to see before it was taught, and we say that many people are persuaded and follow the snake in the world of today ..….


So to you All in Kindness & Love In Peace & Truth just silently 🙏🙏 for ‘ Help & Guidance ‘ in your heart and ask God for nothing but say l will follow your ‘ Path of Righteousness ‘ to start and when people have learned to Understand ‘ Right & Wrong ‘ God when he knows you are ready will enter Heart & Life like A&M one day on this Earth of today