





Kindness is free you know
Give away your smiles for free to
Compliments are free to
Try this today
Each person you meet
Look carefully, smile and say ” what a fabulous hairstyle”
And mean it!

Relationship Prayer

Bless this new relationship with happiness, bringing us together in honesty and truth, giving each other the space to grow, to change, let kindness guide our actions and the words we speak, bring us closer together, with shared ideals and values. May our hearts grow more loving with each new day. Bless this new relationship with purpose, may our shared love be a goodness in the world, bringing us opportunities to touch the lives of others, spreading the happiness that is in our hearts, we come together with passion, love and joyous spirits. Bless this new relationship with the power to last, flourish, grow strong and change.


J J Samuel Davis

“TESTING THE MUMBLER!!” a poem Monday Nov. 19, 2018

There’s-NO-escaping-YOURself – Ya! Yourself-a-even-though,

Sometimes something-in-you THINKS-You can-a-make-it-so!

So – TEST IT, If-you-will – on-your-OWN-a-pub(l)ic-head,

But-YOUR-Facebook-Filter’ll-get-ya! But-do-avoid-“the red,”

When-you-catch-yourself-“in-viol!” of stan’ds-of com-mun-ity!

For, each-a-social network-has-its-limits, and “NAUGH-TY,”

Must-go-a-to-a-place like – for-instance, TUM-BL-R,

For “Hot-a-Pockets” there – don’t-get-silenced-by-MUMBLER!!

Your-“Mum-bler”-lives-in-Facebook; IT-is -ITS-“Eagle-Eye!”

No-“provocatives”-post-here!! The-eagle-won’t-let-them-FLY!!

So, IF-ya-wanna put – a “pretty-shot”-somewhere,

Stay away from MUMBLER, for (you know that) IF-you-dare,

It’ll-be-“No’one-sees-your-posts-here!” not-just a week in JAIL,

And there-is NO APPEAL – from-Mumbler’s DREADED MAIL!

IT’S-NOT BETTER-OR-WORSE! ‘Tis-simply: Just diff’runt!

So, IN-FACEBOOK: You-wanna-post “private-skin?”

Well! MUMBLER-says: “You cun’t!

fin <3

“In Facebook, DON’T BOOK A GIF ARSE IN THE MOUTH!” The Mystic Poet

The Dark Side of Cyber


Bet this one caught your eye didn’t see it.

Social Media has now changed.

Messenger is the greatest nightmare of all.

Do you know all your social media sites and blogs are open to the use by these social media Sites?

Anyone can access your Social Media sites

With Messenger.

Me Mubbler ( translate yourself with a T )

Porn site glore.

Just think you porn watches looking for cheap sex you money pinching stupid folk.

How would you like to see your Daughter, son, mum or Dad caught in the sex slave trade plied with drugs threatened with your life or your families and friends safety

Think again paying for the Sex Slave trade you are guilty of the Crime also.

This blog encourages Kindness, Humanity for all.

Peace to you. 🕊

Since this post was added to mydaz, Tumblr was found to contain Child Porn. We note that Tumblr has TRIED to clean up its site. Be very of sharing posts in. Yesterday we found several followers were still active.

Many folk on Tumblr are showing great articles. Kudos to those users.

Child porn and sex trafficking are not OK 💣



In one word: Self Judgement

Meaning in Dictionary: Shame: Noun

The painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonourable, improper, ridiculizes a person.

Or done by one person to another

SHAME Verb: to cause Shame and humiliate a person arises from conditioning response found in ancient misinformation passed down through mainly indoctrinated family trees encompassing “Man Made Religion” found now to be interpreted as Fact is not a fact at all. ( God must cry )

IDIOMS include Shame: you Shame: feel ashamed ( shocking, cruel thing to say to others )


  • Embarrassment
  • Mortification
  • Humiliation
  • Self-mutilation of character

The Human Race has been used by evil ideals to undermind our intelligence, to cause lifelong scars in humans that never heal.

The WORD, SHAME belongs in the same category as Hate, Racism, Ignorance, narcist self-absorbed individual-referred as a narcist troubled with the pompous self-righteousness of self-importance without the regard for a poor soul that you were supposed to support and love, how shockingly cruel are you to shame a loved one.

Yes, a mouthful here to think about!

Kindness using words in the English Language may save humanity and save the Government taxpayers money in the health system Treating Mental Illness.

Many Words in the English Language cause mental illness.

Ask for forgiveness, not rewards when the term used called SHAME spue them from your mouth.



“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”Triune, shaping, restless power,
Life-flow from life’s natal hour,
No music chords are in thy sound;
By some thou’rt but a rattle found;
Yet, without thy ceaseless motion,
To ice would turn their dead devotion
Life-flow of my natal hour,
I will not weary of thy power,
Till in the changes of thy sound
A chord’s three parts distinct are found
I will faithful move with thee,
God-ordered, self-fed energy,
Nature in eternity


Prayer for the New Year

Prayer for the New Year


At the beginning of this new year, I offer you my life.
Come take my voice, may the words I speak be filled with encouragement and goodness.
Come take my hands, may the work they create be generous and giving.
Come take my feet, may the journeys I walk be led by your Spirit within.
Come take my life Lord, for I love your goodness, your kindness and your leading.