
Jesus πŸ‘‘πŸ™

Lord πŸ‘‘πŸ™
Amen πŸ™πŸ™Œ

For with God, nothing shall be impossible.

(Luke 1:37) How lucky we are to know the Lord?

In turbulent times, it can be easy to forget just how fortunate we are.

Put yourself in Mary’s shoes: she is a virgin, in a relationship with Joseph, and is pregnant, not the ideal circumstances!

What can she say to Joseph?

Why would he believe her?

How is it possible that she is pregnant?

What is she going to do?

Luckily, Mary and Joseph dared to follow God’s plan.

If God spoke to us today, would we also have this strength?

Think about a challenge in your own life: why do you view it as a challenge and not a gift?

I am reminded of a story that I read in the book Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl: a young woman has children, the youngest a boy who is unable to walk.

In a group therapy session, she laments her plight in life, wondering why God has done this to her and her child.

Another woman in the group, single and without children, is asked to imagine her life as an older woman.

The woman says she would consider her life a failure because she has no family of her own.

Upon hearing this, the woman with the paralysed child changed her mindset, realising that she wanted to have children and that she loved her son, and he loved her.

Just by hearing one story from another person, she changed her perception from a burden to a blessing.

Mary and Joseph did the same, and we should do all that we can follow their example.

Amen πŸ™πŸ™Œ

Lord πŸ‘‘πŸ™

Amen πŸ™πŸ™Œ

In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,

Leadership and teaching are high callings.

There is more to both than just imparting knowledge or giving instruction to others.

We must have the conviction to live what we teach and lead by example.

IWhen we do so, we demonstrate not only the integrity and reliability of our words but also the faith of the gospel itself, as others see its effect on our lives.

Lord, thank You for calling me to be a leader. Whether I have many or few in my care, I ask that Your Spirit fill me and empower me to live according to Your goodness and grace.

Test my actions to always be in step with Your truth.

And test words so that they may always lead others in Your truth.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Amen πŸ™πŸ™Œ
Australian News

Julian Assange is freed from UK prison under plea deal with US Justice Department

AceBreakingNews – WikiLeaks says its founder, Julian Assange, has been released from a British prison and has flown out of the United Kingdom.


Ace Press News From Cutting Room Floor: Published: Jun.25: 2024: Follow our live blog for the latest developments on Julian Assange’s release. TELEGRAM Ace Daily News Link 


The announcement followed the release of court documents that revealed Mr Assange would plead guilty to violating US espionage law, under a deal that would allow him to return home to Australia.


Mr Assange is due to be sentenced to 62 months of time already served at a hearing in the Northern Mariana Islands, a territory of the United States in the western Pacific.

He is expected to return home after that hearing, on the island of Saipan.

A court document
A filing from the US Department of Justice describes a plea deal regarding WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.(Reuters: US Department of Justice)

WikiLeaks posted a statement on social media platform X saying Mr Assange was free and had left the UK on Monday morning local time.

Part of the statement read: “This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grassroots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations.

“This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised.”

The Australian government has long been pushing the US to resolve the case, which has for years been tied up in British courts.

In May, the UK’s highest court allowed him to lodge another appeal against his extradition to the US, which was due to be heard in July.

Family grateful ordeal is coming to an end

Mr Assange’s parents have expressed joy and relief over their son’s release.

“I am grateful that my son’s ordeal is finally coming to an end,” Christine Assange said.

“This shows the importance and power of quiet diplomacy.

“Many have used my son’s situation to push their own agendas, so I am grateful to those unseen, hard-working people who put Julian’s welfare first.

“The past 14 years have obviously taken a toll on me as a mother, so I wish to thank you in advance for respecting my privacy.”

Mr Assange’s father, John Shipton, told ABC Victorian Statewide Mornings his son had spent 15 of his most productive years “in some form of incarceration or another”.

 Julian Assange
Julian Assange holds a document in footage released by WikiLeaks. (WikiLeaks)

“The appearances are that Julian will be able to enjoy ordinary life with his family and his wife, Stella, that’s my understanding,” he said of the plea deal.

“It looks as though Julian will be free to come back to Australia and my thanks and congratulations to all his supporters in Australia that have made that possible, and of course Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.”

In a video message recorded on Wednesday June 19, Stella Assange said she was confident this period of their lives had come to an end.

“By this time next week, I’m confident he will be free,” she said.

“Things are moving very quickly and it is very difficult for us to plan or even play out the next few hours and days.

“If everything goes well, Julian will be on a plane on the way to freedom.”Loading…

She added: “We still need your help, what starts now with Julian’s freedom is a new chapter.

“This new chapter in Julian and our lives, we ask for your support. In the coming hours we intend to start an emergency fund for Julian’s health and recovery.”

WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson also prerecorded a message.

“I can say in earnest that without your support this would have never materialised β€” this important day of joy, the day of Julian’s freedom,” he said.

“Thank you so much.”

Legal document outlines single criminal charge

An Australian government spokesperson said it was too early to comment on Mr Assange’s release, given legal proceedings were ongoing.

“The Australian government continues to provide consular assistance to Mr Assange,” the spokesperson said.

“Prime Minister Albanese has been clear β€” Mr Assange’s case has dragged on for too long and there is nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration.”

The Australian government has been pushing the US to resolve the case and allow Mr Assange to return home.

In February, the Lower House passed a motion β€” supported by Labor, the Greens, independents and Liberal MP Bridget Archer β€” urging the US and the UK to drop the case and allow Assange’s return to Australia.

And last year, a delegation of MPs from the Labor, Liberal, National and Greens parties and independent Monique Ryan travelled to Washington to lobby members of Congress.

The US Justice Department has long refused to publicly discuss the case. But in April, President Joe Biden said “we’re considering it” when asked if he had a response to Australia’s request that he end Mr Assange’s prosecution.Loading…

Filings in the US District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands show that US prosecutors have filed criminal paperwork against Mr Assange that is typically a preliminary step before a plea deal.

The paperwork outlines a single criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified US national defence documents.

Julian Assange andΒ WikiLeaks: A timeline


2006: Julian Assange starts WikiLeaks

2010: WikiLeaks angers the US by releasing huge caches of classified documents

Dec 2010: Assange is arrested in the UK over a rape allegation in Sweden, which he denies

Feb 2011: A court orders his extradition to SwedenThe appeal attempts fail

Jun 2012: Assange takes refuge in Ecuador’s London embassy

Apr 2019: Ecuador revokes his asylum and, citing “spoiled brat” behaviour, evicts him. He’s arrested at the embassy

Jun 2019: The US requests his extradition to face espionage charges

Feb 2020: Extradition hearings begin in a London court, but are delayed by COVID-19

Jan 2021: A London judge decides not to extradite Assange due to mental health concerns

Jun 2022: After a higher court overrules that decision, the UK government orders his extradition to the US

Jun 2023: The UK High Court rejects his appeal

Feb 2024: The court holds another hearing to consider whether to allow Assange to appeal again.

May 2024: The court rules Assange can appeal again, staving off his extradition for now.

Why was Julian Assange in prison?

In 2010, WikiLeaks released hundreds of thousands of classified US military documents relating to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with thousands of diplomatic cables.

The release was the largest security breach of its kind in US military history.

Mr Assange was indicted over the release of the information during former president Donald Trump’s administration.

The secret documents were leaked by Chelsea Manning, a former US military intelligence analyst who was also prosecuted under the Espionage Act.

The trove of more than 700,000 documents included diplomatic cables and battlefield accounts, such as a 2007 video of a US Apache helicopter firing at suspected insurgents in Iraq, killing a dozen people including two Reuters news staff.

That video was released in 2010.

The charges against Mr Assange sparked outrage among his many global supporters, who argued that he, as the publisher of WikiLeaks, should not face charges typically used against federal government employees who steal or leak information.

Many press freedom advocates have argued that criminally charging Mr Assange represents a threat to free speech.Loading…

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Caring @peacewriter51

True love can be quantified by the depth of emotional investment and evaluated by the extent of sacrifices made to preserve and sustain it.

The capacity to be vulnerable and extend trust is a crucial determinant.

True love is consistently accommodating and distinguished, always displaying kindness.

It transcends biases and is impartial, embodying colour-blindness.



Yesterday @peacewriter51

Hey there, I just found this fantastic poem from 1869 that was reprinted during the 1919 pandemic. It’s truly timeless and so relevant to what’s going on in the world right now:

“Everyone stayed at home
Reading books and listening
Taking time to rest and exercise
Creating art and playing
Learning new ways of being
Pausing to listen deeply
Some meditated, some prayed
Confronting their inner selves
Thinking differently
Healing within and healing the Earth
When the danger passed
People grieved and made new choices
Dreamed of new visions
Creating new ways of living
And the Earth healed, just as they did.”


Jesus ⚜️

Amen πŸ™

Have you ever heard the phrase “daddy issues”?

This phrase is used to describe people who have had a complex or non-existent relationship with their fathers and the challenges that often come with it.

Even if you have a good relationship with your father, how you perceive people, especially men, has probably been greatly influenced by this relationship.

Now think about God: do you view Him as your Father?

If so, does that affect the way that you act towards Him?

God sent Jesus to Earth to live among us.

I believe He wanted to fully understand what it means to be human because, as a loving Father, He wanted to have a closer relationship with us.

Through Christ’s sacrifice, God proved that we are an “heir of God.”

He humbled himself for us so that those of us who had overbearing, strict, or even violent father figures in our lives.

God did all He could to grow closer to us and asks that we do the same.


Jesus ⚜️ ⚜️

Amen πŸ™

Jesus saith unto her, Mary.

She turned herself and saith unto him, RABBI, which is to say, Master.

Mary was so distressed at the empty tomb that, at first, she didn’t see Jesus.

Then he said her name, and she knew that she was in the presence of her resurrected saviour.

Jesus knows and calls each of us by name, too.

And he speaks to us like a dear friend does, with knowledge, understanding, and care.

That’s the Jesus that knows us.

Thank You, Jesus, for not only being my saviour and redeemer but also my friend. Thank you for sharing in my life and inviting me to know you. Every time you call my name, I am amazed that the One who is Maker and Ruler over all things would show such care and attention to me. And for that, I thank and praise You, my Saviour and Friend. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Amen πŸ™