
Broken Soul 💥



They don’t have to hit or shove you to be abusive.

Abuse can consist of hurtful words, mean comments, false accusations, criticisms, nit picking, bullying, intimidation, threats, disrespect, attempts to silence you, stonewalling, ignoring, dismissing you, raging, name calling, laughing at you or your emotions, not listening, not allowing you to talk, shutting you down, shutting conversations down, excluding you or trying to make you feel left out or unimportant, controlling you telling you how to be or how to feel, minimizing or accountability or making apologies, shows no remorse,trivializing you or your feelings, shaming your emotions, throwing blame and shame, treating you like a child, using double standards and being a hypocrite, projecting on you, manipulation, gossip, using gossip and hearsay against you, making judgment, exploiting you, exploiting perceived weaknesses, flaws and insecurities, ignoring and violating your boundaries, meddling and interfering in your business (control), giving unsolicited advice and unwanted negative opinions, making attacks on your self esteem, using you as a scapegoat or emotional punching bag, being aggressive or passive aggressive, giving you orders, telling you what to do, acting like an authority or dictator, showing arrogance, being condescending, treating you as inferior, acting superior to you, acting self righteous or sanctimonious, gaslighting, denying their actions or of hurting you, never taking lacks empathy, provokes negative emotions by being rude or cruel, tries to pit and divide you with or cause chaos between you and your loved ones or support system, blames you for walking away or the demise of the relationship or for using boundaries, having a sense of entitlement, getting angry for standing up for yourself, expects you to put up with and tolerate their behaviors, expects you to “comply” with them and whatever they say, and playing the victim after treating you badly, hurting you and being disrespectful.

By Peace Truth

Life can be likened to a bouquet of roses, each with its unique charm. Some roses sparkle like raindrops, while others lose their luster in the absence of sunlight. Some roses wilt away with time, while others bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors. Some roses sag with drooping petals, while others captivate with their beauty. However, it is vital to acknowledge that the perception of beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder.