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U.K ELECTION DEBATE 2024 HEADLINES: How the front pages saw the BBC’s Debate


Ace Daily News says last night, the debate lasted 90 minutes, covered many aspects of what was to come, and most people could not determine the best candidate to become PM. Sunak attacked Starmer over issues, and Starmer attacked Sunak. One person stood out with a question and asked the audience, ‘Are You Two The Best There Is?’ adding his feelings about each candidate but received ‘No Answer’ So with just seven days, will it be ‘All Change’ or the same ‘Home Guard’ in place as people vote on 4th July or not as the case well maybe all we can say is just 🙏🙏 to God to provide all we need (Eden) Amen


Ace Press News From Cutting Room Floor: Published: Jun.27:  2024: TELEGRAM Ace Daily News Link 

The Guardian: PM and Starmer clash over betting scandal in tetchy final TV debate
The final TV showdown between Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer before their ultimate battle at the ballot boxes dominates Thursday’s front pages. The Guardian’s headline describes the BBC debate between the pair as “tetchy” – but says Sir Keir took aim at the Conservatives’ “culture at the top” following news of the election betting scandal. 
The Times: Sunak rams home tax message in final debate


Daily Telegraph: Sunak's pleas to voters: Don't surrender Britain to Labour
The Daily Telegraph’s headline focuses on the Tory leader’s warning to voters “not to surrender Britain to Labour”. It points out that Mr Sunak used the word “surrender” time and time again during the debate as he criticised Labour’s policies.
Daily Express: No idea! Nine times starmer fails to give an answer on boats crisis
“No idea!” exclaims the Daily Express as it points out that Sir Keir Starmer failed “nine times” during the debate to give an answer on how his party would tackle the small boats crisis. The paper has long been supportive of Mr Sunak’s policy on the issue and a sub-headline adds that “the PM urged voters ‘not to surrender’ UK’s borders”.
Daily Mail: You are taking people for fools
The Daily Mail also delves into the reaction following the debate. “You are taking people for fools” is its headline as it says the prime minister took aim at Labour’s “nonsensical” plans to tackle illegal migration. The paper says he then opened “a second front” by accusing the Labour leader of “not being straight with people” about his tax plans Elsewhere, England talisman Phil Foden is pictured alongside his childhood sweetheart Rebecca Cooke after flying back from Germany to be at her side for the birth of their third baby. 
Metro: Aristocrat guilty over secret birth
A different court story features on the front of the Metro as Constance Marten is pictured following the convictions of her and her partner Mark Gordon. The pair were found guilty of hiding the birth of their baby – who was found dead last year after a seven-week search. The paper mentions the couple will face a retrial next year on charges the jury could not reach a verdict upon. At the top of the paper is an image of actress Eva Longoria as she returns to the world of TV and Metro reviews her new show Land of Women.
Financial Times: French far-right leader vows to fight a 'cultural battle' against Islamism
Catching the eye at the top of the Financial Times is a graphic of a $100 bill which teases an investigation by the paper that says a new global money laundering network has emerged between so-called Chinese underground banks and Mexican drug cartels. The lead story focuses on another election – in France – where it says Rassemblement National party chief is “convinced” it will secure an outright parliamentary majority in snap elections later this month. 
Front page of the i newspaper with a lead story about Russian hackers
Russian hackers are responsible for an NHS cyber-attack, according to the front of the i newspaper. Separately, according to latest election polling in the paper, it says support for Nigel Farage’s Reform Party is dipping – offering a “glimmer of hope” for the Tories. Notably above the main headline is a message for readers as to why the i will not be backing any particular political party in this election – or ever in the future. 
Daily Star: Snoozing fan - I had a lovely dream England were winning and then I woke up
Finally, the Daily Star follows up on the photo which made a few front pages on Wednesday – showing an England fan dozing off during the Three Lions 0-0 draw with Slovenia in Cologne. The tabloid interviews him for Thursday’s edition as he tells the paper he had a dream England were winning – “and then I woke up”

The Daily Telegraph leads with the BBC’s Election debate – the paper says the two main party leaders clashed over immigration, welfare and taxes in the final television debate before the country heads to the polls next month.


Sticking with the fiery TV debate from Nottingham, the Daily Mail examines Rishi Sunak’s attack on Labour’s immigration and tax plans. “You’re Taking People for Fools” is its headline, quoting Mr Sunak’s accusation about the way Sir Keir Starmer would deal with illegal migration. 

The issue is key for the Daily Express too which argues the Labour leader “failed” nine times to say what he would do with migrants arriving on British shores. 


For the Times, Mr Sunak was in a “barnstorming mood” as he tried to “ram home” his claim Labour would raise taxes. It says the prime minister and the Labour leader launched “highly negative attacks” on each other in a bad-tempered debate.


The Guardian calls the debate tetchy and says the two leaders clashed “bitterly”, particularly in response to the political betting scandal. The paper says the Labour leader launched a “fierce attack” on the culture at the top of the Conservative Party and – in Sir Keir’s words – its “wrong instinct” to place bets on the country’s future. 

Away from the debate, the Daily Star interviews an England fan who was pictured in Cologne fast asleep while watching the Three Lions being held to a 0-0 draw with Slovenia on Tuesday night.

According to the Financial Times, Rassemblement National party chief Jordan Bardella has pledged to fight a “cultural battle” against Islamism and secure an EU budget rebate even as he promised “a lot of pragmatism” on the economy if his party wins snap elections.

Metro reports on runaway aristocrat Constance Marten and her partner Mark Gordon being found guilty of hiding the birth of their newborn daughter who was found dead in a Lidl bag for life last winter. The pair face a retrial on charges the jury could not reach verdicts on.

Finally, the i newspaper says hackers working under the Kremlin’s protection were behind a major cyber attack on the NHS this month.

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