
Jesus πŸ™πŸ‘‘

And he saith unto them,

Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Amen πŸ«‚

Thank You, Lord, for inviting me into Your kingdom.

Thank You for giving me a purpose in Your continuing work.

Please teach me how to love the way You love, so I may serve others with Your hands.

Plant Your word deep in my heart to speak with Your truth.

Prepare me and use me for Your glory and honour.

In Jesus’ name, amen.πŸ‘‘πŸ™πŸ‘‘

When Jesus asks us to follow him, he doesn’t invite us to be spectators. He doesn’t call us to be consumers who sit in church, enjoy a show, and then return to our everyday lives. Instead, he calls us to work alongside him, to share his kingdom with others through our actions and our words. A life surrendered to Jesus is sure to look different from the life that he called us from.

Amen πŸ«‚

Amen πŸ™πŸ™Œ



It’s easy to feel uncared

Sometimes, we may find ourselves in situations where people are unable to communicate or connect with us in the way we need.

In such situations, it can be challenging not to interpret their silence as a reflection of our worth.

However, it’s essential to understand that the way other people operate is not always about us.

Most people are caught up in their own lives, responsibilities, struggles, and anxieties, making it difficult for them to think about asking someone else how they’re doing.

It’s crucial to note that their actions or inactions don’t make them inherently bad or uncaring; they’re just busy and self-focused.

Sometimes, people are not very good at looking beyond their own world, and that’s okay.

It doesn’t mean that you are unlovable or invisible or that there is any fundamental failing on your part.

It’s how people are at times.

However, what makes you unique is that despite the darkness you may feel, you have the strength and ability to share your love and light with others.

It’s a robust quality that sets you apart.

So, don’t take other people’s silence or inability to connect personally, and don’t let it make you question your worth.

Instead, focus on your inner strength and the ability to spread love and light to those around you.

“Your objective should not be to alter your intrinsic nature but to seek out individuals who can offer you the desired connection.

Despite any concerns you may have, please know that there is no such thing as being “too much.

” You possess admirable qualities such as thoughtfulness, empathy, compassion, and kindness.

Regardless of whether or not others recognise or express affection towards you, please remember that you are inherently valuable and deserving of respect.”


Lord πŸ‘‘


The Lord revealed many great mysteries and visions to David. David was often referred to as “the One after God’s Heart”. This was because he always had his eyes set on God and his decrees, no matter what. David didn’t live a perfect life. There were times He made a great mess of things, but he never allowed this to get in the way of his relationship with God. That is what David had – a relationship with God. He did not see God as a faraway being that He could not communicate with. No. David saw God as one that He could not live without. His heart was always open to hear from God – even if God was expressing His disapproval with Him.

David rarely relented in His love for God. It is because of this, He was able to witness many things under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The book of Psalms wasn’t just a compilation of beautiful songs and poems. They were written by David, through the function of the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit revealed prophetic things to David and he would communicate them through the songs He wrote. There are allusions to Christ in the book of Psalms and the only way David could have received these revelations was through the Spirit of God.

David understood what it meant to have a relationship with God. His relationship with God was unique among the men of old. Some of the greater prophets, though they managed to work great miracles, could not develop an intimate relationship with God. They did not view Him the way David did. David relied on God so much that he managed to find a way to celebrate and rejoice in God.


David spent a lot of time with God. Even in his last moments on earth, he was under the influence of the Holy Spirit.


Love as the Core of the Law

The commandments, β€œYou shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not covet”; and any other commandment, are summed up in this word, β€œLove your neighbour as yourself.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law. Romans 13 : 9-10 Romans 13:9-10 […]

Love as the Core of the Law

β€œA Simple Prayer to Jesus – I thank you for your grace and forgiveness” πŸ™


Cant’ complain! I hear this phrase almost every day, saying it quite often as well. Nobody likes to hear another person complaining, and when things are going well it is easy to oblige with the desires in this verse. Things are not always so easy though.

I remember taking a bicycle ride not too long ago. I started off feeling great: the weather was nice, my bike and body were feeling good, and I would certainly say that I couldn’t complain. Fast forward an hour or so, and I had a flat tyre with no way to repair it, and no money, it had started to rain, and I remember biking back on my flat tyre and even the slightest breeze in my face seemed like something I could write a book of complaints about. This is why Paul wants to emphasize the importance of keeping quiet rather than complaining in his letter to the Philippians.

Let’s be honest here: it is basically impossible to live our lives “without murmurings and disputings.” Paul never had to wait on hold with customer service or had a flight delayed! But this is why Paul’s teaching is so important. Having this verse in your mind when you DO complain will work to ease any future complaints and eventually, hopefully, lead to less and less and possibly even no murmurings and disputings. Paul himself had some things he certainly could have complained about and possibly did, seeing as he was arrested and persecuted for his faith. No good comes from it. He realized it, I realize it, and I am sure that you do too. Keep this verse in your mind and it will only serve to improve your life and all the lives around you.

Several things happen when we complain, none of them positive. First, we focus our own mental power on something negative, something that has annoyed or bothered us. Second, we drag another person down by making them listen to our complaints. Third, complaints rarely offer a solution to the situation with which we have a problem. Usually, they are just a reiteration of an event that caused us some discomfort. Lastly and most importantly, we forget to cherish every moment of our life, a great gift that all of us do not deserve but have been given. This is the most egregious of errors and one that meditating on this verse can certainly aid us with.

β€œA Simple Prayer to Jesus – I thank you for your grace and forgiveness” πŸ™



Dear Lord

It is with utmost pleasure and delight that I extend my heartfelt greetings to you upon your return to the comfort of your own abode. As you step through the threshold of your esteemed residence, allow me to express my warmest welcome, cocooning you in an ambiance of tranquility and familiarity.

Your homecoming signifies a momentous occasion, a reunion of harmony between your spirit and the sanctuary you have diligently crafted. As your dwelling eagerly awaits your return, ready to envelop you in its loving embrace, may you find solace and respite within its walls.

The threshold of your home serves as a symbolic gateway, ushering you into a haven that vibrantly reflects your unique personality and aspirations. The carefully chosen decor, the distinct scent that lingers in the air, every minuscule detail, is a testament to the love and care you have invested in curating an ambiance that resonates with your essence.

As each room beckons you to explore, may your senses be heightened by the colors, textures, and harmonious symphony that intertwines to create an experience that is exclusively yours. Permit the gentle whispers of your home to guide you towards moments of serene contemplation, inviting a profound connection with your inner self.

Once again, dear let me extend my sincerest welcome home. May this cherished haven be a source of endless inspiration, comfort, and joy, replenishing your spirit, and rejuvenating your very being.

With warmest regards,

Mary Amen βšœοΈπŸ™βšœοΈ

Amen βšœοΈπŸ™βšœοΈ

Lord πŸ™πŸ‘‘

“Have you ever tried to build something without instructions, tools or materials? It’s impossible.

It is impossible to build anything without instructions, tools, or materials. Similarly, before serving God’s kingdom, we must ensure we have everything we need. That’s why Jesus teaches us to remain in Him, without whom we cannot do anything for God’s kingdom. It’s Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to do good for Him.

Lord, thank you for calling me to Yourself. “May I just take a moment to appreciate the life-giving presence of Your Holy Spirit? It’s amazing how Your divine energy permeates everything around us and fills our hearts with warmth and love. Truly awe-inspiring!” Spirit. Give me strength so I might cling to You and receive nourishment from You in prayer and through Your word. And as I grow, work through me so that You may use me to produce an abundant harvest for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.JESUS πŸ™βšœοΈπŸ™
