


Have you ever felt you inherited most of your personality, quirks, and difficulties from your father?

Or maybe you’re just like your mother, but you’ve built a strong bond with her that you could even braid her hair and cook her meals like a pro.

Perhaps you could even go beyond being just a daughter and act as a mother to her, doing all the household chores, picking her up from school, and helping her with math homework.

You know how much she misses her mother, right?

It’s like a treaty we all signed in the womb: to yearn for a mother’s love and miss her no matter what.

As the sun sets and years go by, girls miss their mothers more and more.

But you’re there for her, washing her back, pouring water over her head, yelling at her, teaching her, and consoling her.

You’re the one she needs, and you’ll always be there for her.


Kindness & Wisdom


Kindness is a powerful force that can change the world.

It is a beautiful trait that can create an endless ripple effect, inspiring and blessing the lives of those around us

When we show kindness through our actions, words, and thoughts, we not only make a positive impact on the person we are being kind to but also on the people around us.

It is a contagious emotion that spreads like wildfire and has the potential to make the world a better place.

Whether it’s a small act of kindness like a smile, a kind word, or a grander gesture of generosity, the impact of kindness is immeasurable.

It can inspire others to follow in our footsteps and create a ripple effect of kindness that will never end.

So, let us all strive to be kind to one another and, in doing so, create a world that is full of love, compassion, and understanding.




Looking at Mirror

One day, all the employees arrived at the office, and they saw a large notice posted on the door. The notice read, “Yesterday, the person who hindered your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to attend the funeral in the gym.” Initially, they were all saddened by the news of their colleague’s passing. Still, after a while, they became curious about the identity of the person who had been hindering their growth, as well as the growth of the company.

As many people gathered in the gym, security agents were requested to maintain order. As more and more people approached the coffin, their excitement heightened. Some may have thought, “Who is this person who previously hindered my progress? Well, at least he has passed away.” However, upon peering into the coffin, each individual was left in stunned silence. Inside lay a mirror, which reflected their image at them. This sight profoundly impacted them, leaving them in contemplative silence.

Next to the mirror, there was a sign that read, “There is only one person capable of setting limits to your growth: it is YOU.” This means that you are the only person who can improve your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, success, and. Your life does not change based on external factors such as your boss, friends, partner, or company. Your life changes when you change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, and when you realise that you are solely responsible for your life. “The most important relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself.”

It’s important to remember that the world can often reflect what we firmly believe. It’s as if we’re looking into a mirror, and our thoughts and beliefs can influence the image we see. It can be frustrating to feel like our reality is limiting us, but it’s important to remember that we have the power to imagine and create our happiness and success. Life can be challenging at times, but it’s all about how we approach it that makes the difference. Remember to be kind to yourself along the way.



My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God; on behalf of a man he pleads with God as a man pleads for his friend.  –  Job 16:20-21 Pointed out in β€œHelp Along the Way” is that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who is here with you as a friend, who […]



The belief that God dwelled in the Temple of Solomon uniquely was a central tenet of the ancient Jewish religion. This divine presence was known as the “Shekinah Glory of God” and was said to rest above the Ark of the Covenant, where the High Priest would sprinkle the blood of the annual sin offering on the Day of Atonement. However, in a broader context, God’s message to Israel was that His presence was not limited to the physical confines of a temple or any other earthly structure. Instead, God’s presence is omnipresent and not confined by physical space limitations.βšœοΈπŸ™βšœοΈ



Lamentations 1:7-11. Jerusalem remembers… all the precious things that were hers. (v. 7)

Throughout the Bible, God demands that His people embrace regret.

The first active step toward true faith is repentance, but the first step of repentance is regret- looking back, recognizing deviation from God’s will, and returning to God’s way. Lamentations captures Israel’s worst regret.

They had been God’s beloved, with all the associated benefits and blessings. Now, because of folly and failure, they were bereft.

But God would use this moment of regret to reorient His people to Himself and an even better future with Him.

When facing regret, two things are important.

First, loss is an inescapable part of life in this world.

Second, God’s redeeming love is more powerful than our losses, mistakes, and even sin.

God’s claim on us through Jesus cannot be lost or broken.

He promises a future so great that our worst suffering will pale in comparison.

He redeems even our regret, using it to refocus our attention on Him and whet our appetites for His better future.

As God’s beloved in Christ, let go of the past, learn from your mistakes, and look forward to a perfect eternity with Him.




Cultivating compassion is a wonderful practice that can bring about positive changes in your life and the lives of others. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate compassion:

Self-Reflection: Start by reflecting on your own thoughts, actions, and emotions. Notice any areas where you may be lacking compassion towards yourself or others. This self-awareness is the first step towards cultivating compassion.

Practice Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and try to imagine their experiences, emotions, and struggles. This can help you develop a deeper sense of connection and understanding.

Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation: Loving-kindness meditation involves directing well-wishes and positive intentions towards yourself and others. Set aside a few minutes each day to sit quietly, focus on your breath, and repeat phrases such as “May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be safe.” Gradually expand these well-wishes to include loved ones, acquaintances, and even those you find challenging.

Cultivate Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of the present moment without judgment. Practice being mindful in your daily interactions and engagements. This can help you become more attuned to the needs and emotions of others.

Practice Acts of Kindness: Engage in acts of kindness towards others, whether it’s through simple gestures like holding the door or offering a helping hand. These acts not only benefit others but also cultivate a sense of compassion within yourself.

Seek Understanding: Make an effort to learn about different perspectives, cultures, and experiences. This can help broaden your understanding and empathy towards others.

Practice Self-Compassion: Compassion starts with oneself. Be kind to yourself, acknowledge your own suffering, and treat yourself with the same level of understanding and care that you would extend to others.

Remember, cultivating compassion is an ongoing practice. Be patient with yourself and allow it to develop naturally over time.



Lamentations 1:7-11. Jerusalem remembers… all the precious things that were hers. (v. 7)

Lamentations 1:7-11 is a passage from the book of Lamentations in the Bible, which describes the lament and mourning over the destruction of Jerusalem.

In these verses, Jerusalem is personified and portrayed as remembering all the precious things that were once hers. The city recalls the days of her glory and how she was once prosperous in possessions.

This passage highlights the deep sorrow and grief felt by the people of Jerusalem as they reflect on their former state of abundance, which has now been taken away due to the destruction and exile they have experienced.

It serves as a lament and a reminder of the loss and devastation that has befallen the city.

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