
Caring 🫂

Smile 😁

May all your dreams come true, and may life bring you everything you wish for.

May your path be filled with peace, love, and happiness until we meet again.

  • Kindness
  • Prayer for the New Year
    Prayer for the New Year Lord, At the beginning of this new year, I offer you my life. Come take my voice, may the words I speak be filled with encouragement and goodness. Come take my hands, may the work they create be generous and giving. Come take my feet, may the journeys I walk… Read more: Prayer for the New Year
  • Poetry
    My family slept those level miles but like a bell rung deep till dawn I drove down an aisle of sound, nothing real but in the bell, past the town where I was born. Once you cross a land like that you own your face more: what the light struck told a self; every rock… Read more: Poetry
  • Facebook Jail 😂😁😅😆😓
    “OVER-REACHING FACEBOOK POLICIES AS THEY WERE APPLIED TO OUR TEXAS NUDIST COLONY!” a poem a.k.a.: “Beautiful Dreamer!” Friday: November 30, 2018 “Your voluptuous girls,” Facebook-did-say; “They’re-far-too-provocative! (pause) They’re NOT OK! To-put-on-your-posts, so – your page we will close, And all will be better! This-is-what we suppose. YOU-ARE-EXPOSING T O O M U C H –… Read more: Facebook Jail 😂😁😅😆😓
  • Happiness
    “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”Triune, shaping, restless power, Life-flow from life’s natal hour, No music chords are in thy sound; By some thou’rt but a rattle found; Yet, without thy ceaseless motion, To ice would turn their dead devotion Life-flow of my natal hour, I will not weary… Read more: Happiness
    In one word: Self Judgement Meaning in Dictionary: Shame: Noun The painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonourable, improper, ridiculizes a person. Or done by one person to another SHAME Verb: to cause Shame and humiliate a person arises from conditioning response found in ancient misinformation passed down through mainly indoctrinated family trees… Read more: SHAME
  • Kindness
    “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” from “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte — British Novelist born on April 21, 1816, died on March 31, 1855 Frederick Carl Frieseke (1874-1939) ~ The Birdcage, ca. 1910,
  • J J Samuel Davis
    “TESTING THE MUMBLER!!” a poem Monday Nov. 19, 2018 There’s-NO-escaping-YOURself – Ya! Yourself-a-even-though, Sometimes something-in-you THINKS-You can-a-make-it-so! So – TEST IT, If-you-will – on-your-OWN-a-pub(l)ic-head, But-YOUR-Facebook-Filter’ll-get-ya! But-do-avoid-“the red,” When-you-catch-yourself-“in-viol!” of stan’ds-of com-mun-ity! For, each-a-social network-has-its-limits, and “NAUGH-TY,” Must-go-a-to-a-place like – for-instance, TUM-BL-R, For “Hot-a-Pockets” there – don’t-get-silenced-by-MUMBLER!! Your-“Mum-bler”-lives-in-Facebook; IT-is -ITS-“Eagle-Eye!” No-“provocatives”-post-here!! The-eagle-won’t-let-them-FLY!! So, IF-ya-wanna put –… Read more: J J Samuel Davis
  • Black Desire
    “REMISSION!” a poem, dedicated to: Rachel Taylor, singer/songwriter extraordinaire! a.k.a.: “One Heart!” 11/26/18 – Monday It’s a roller-coaster-ride, this game of life; It’ll rock ya – and “real” ya, but, in-the morning light, When you finally-reach (pause) The Break of Day, And-you’re-groggy – and dreamy, I-hope you’ll say: “I can do another! Just gotta-‘wake-up,’ I-know-I’m-in-remission!”… Read more: Black Desire
  • Relationship Prayer
    Bless this new relationship with happiness, bringing us together in honesty and truth, giving each other the space to grow, to change, let kindness guide our actions and the words we speak, bring us closer together, with shared ideals and values. May our hearts grow more loving with each new day. Bless this new relationship… Read more: Relationship Prayer
  • Kindness

By Peace Truth

Life can be likened to a bouquet of roses, each with its unique charm. Some roses sparkle like raindrops, while others lose their luster in the absence of sunlight. Some roses wilt away with time, while others bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors. Some roses sag with drooping petals, while others captivate with their beauty. However, it is vital to acknowledge that the perception of beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder.

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