
Storyville ~ Book of Life



It begins today with reading the ‘ Book of Life ‘ with each part of the book, a story to tell in its own right that God writes in me in you in me


So let Us start with the ‘Cover’ well this is ‘ How The Phrase Goes Never Judge A Book By Its Cover Until You Have Walked A Mile In Their Shoes’ so that cover maybe battered and bruised it maybe tatty and worn but that cover has walked many miles to become that way at all just like in me in you in me


Now we come to the ‘Pages’ well that is hard to tell some are dogeared and some are ripped and torn and some are missing and some tell a story of the life we have the writing maybe a little faint and some pages do not make total sense and some are missing bits and bobs and some are not as each ‘ Chapter ‘ of our life as God would immediately want them to be but that is all in me in you in me


So its time to read about this Life now God will start at the Beginning when and where it began to go ‘ Right & Wrong ‘ on the ‘ Path of Righteousness ‘ we read it and begin to ‘ Understand’ that life has its ‘ Ups and Downs’ but God is constant in our Life forgiving every ‘Trespass We Make’ be it sometimes ‘ Right Or Wrong’ in me in you in me


Now we are told by many people we have a period of Life of ‘ Three Score Years & Ten’ and then all that follows is ‘ Borrowed Time Provided By God ‘ and that to Us is ‘ Wisdom of Understanding Our Book of Life’ it begins to be ‘ Plain Sailing Now’ having learned there is no ‘ Right Or Wrong’ as God provides the ‘Answers’ to our ‘Question’ before we ‘ Need(Eden) to ask and so there is ‘ No Question’ in our Book of Life’ as God will continue to ‘ Write In Our Book ‘ and put right all the wrong and provide our ‘ Daily Bread’ as we now walk on the ‘ Path of God’ with ‘Kindness & Love’ each morning and evening of each day together as one in me in you in me with God



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