


My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God; on behalf of a man he pleads with God as a man pleads for his friend.  –  Job 16:20-21 Pointed out in “Help Along the Way” is that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who is here with you as a friend, who […]



The belief that God dwelled in the Temple of Solomon uniquely was a central tenet of the ancient Jewish religion. This divine presence was known as the “Shekinah Glory of God” and was said to rest above the Ark of the Covenant, where the High Priest would sprinkle the blood of the annual sin offering on the Day of Atonement. However, in a broader context, God’s message to Israel was that His presence was not limited to the physical confines of a temple or any other earthly structure. Instead, God’s presence is omnipresent and not confined by physical space limitations.⚜️🙏⚜️

By Peace Truth

Life can be likened to a bouquet of roses, each with its unique charm. Some roses sparkle like raindrops, while others lose their luster in the absence of sunlight. Some roses wilt away with time, while others bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors. Some roses sag with drooping petals, while others captivate with their beauty. However, it is vital to acknowledge that the perception of beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder.

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