Ace Food Desk

The Rise of Synthetic Food: The April 1, 2024 session of the IPAK-EDU Director’s Science Webinar featured the research of Alexis Baden-Mayer.


AceFoodDesk – The research she presented weaves a timeline of people and organizations, from the end of the 19th century to the present, and raises serious questions about the future of food and the intentions of the actors and organisations involved.

Ace Press News From Cutting Room Floor: Published: Jun.08: 2024: SYNBIO Scientia Liberia, Twisting Strands: TELEGRAM Ace Daily News Link 


The Nixon era Rockefeller plan of 1969 to shift consumption toward synthetic meats and ‘food from factories’ was paralleled in popular culture as well.

Just a few years prior, Star Trek had presented a fantastic vision of food in the future. The notion of food synthesized by a machine, the Replicator, was planted in the popular imagination. No animals, no crops, no farms, no farmers, no cooking, no people. Food available on demand, without cost. It simply magically appears in a mechanized box with blinking lights.

Swanson and Son’s frozen heat-and-eat TV dinners were first launched in 1953 with initial sales of 5000 units. In 1950, just 9% of US households owned a television; by 1955, that would balloon to some 64%.1 In 1955, more than 13 million Swanson TV dinners were being consumed annually.

The selling points were ‘less effort’, ‘family’ and ‘fun’, while paying homage to notions of ‘tradition’ and ‘wholesomeness’. The ads conjured an image of the future wrapped in nostalgia.

It’s worth noting that no nutritional claims were ever made in these vintage advertisements. The primary message was simple: ‘Relax’ and ‘Trust’.

By the time synthetic biology came to public consciousness in the 1980’s, the advertised promises for the future of food were well-ingrained.

Where will this all lead?

There are powerful interests shaping the future of food, and the future of farmers, their farms, the soil, and the health of all, is inextricably intertwined.

Alexis Baden-Mayer advocates for a deep consideration of how consumers make choices in this context and how those choices affect the fates of farmers and the future of food.’

Watch the full talk and discussion

TAKE ACTION: Ban New GMO Frankenfoods Made with Synthetic Biology

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