



Looking in their eyes, they seem so empty and cold,

As if they had been completely drained and lost their soul.

Hopelessness and disparity fill the addict’s eyes;

Their life is entirely of broken promises and continuing lies.

The day that they will get to see,

You pray for the beauty of life full of happiness and glee.

The pain gets significant enough, and the addict’s eyes cry,

He no longer wants this life and wishes he would die.

He decides he needs help and seeks guidance from all.

He decides to pick that phone up, make that ever-so-important call

God shows himself to this person with an addiction and opens a new door;

A person with an addiction needs to change everything down to his core.

He allows this Higher Power to enter his life,

And finally, in this addict’s eyes, you see some light.

He begins talking to people and taking any suggestions, starting to love himself again and the feeling of acceptance.

Such extraordinary things await; everyone can see this addict’s eyes begin changing.

No more loneliness, no more false sense of pride, no more wishing life was over, no more watching life go by.

His glow comes back, looking healthy again,

He’s so excited for this chapter of life to begin.

He’s finally happy that he doesn’t know everything,

And that mistakes will happen because he is a human being.

The love of his program fills him from head to toe,

A loving God makes another miracle show. This addict’s eyes are no longer gloomy and shut,

11:5 a soul comes alive, no longer stuck in that rut.

This person with an addiction has found a new way of living, and he has become an incredible person, so caring and giving.

Total selflessness helps keep him clean and sober, along with the fellowship and the prayers he says repeatedly.

This addict’s eyes are no longer as cold as a winter’s day.

Instead, they shine bright like the sun at midday


By Peace Truth

Life can be likened to a bouquet of roses, each with its unique charm. Some roses sparkle like raindrops, while others lose their luster in the absence of sunlight. Some roses wilt away with time, while others bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors. Some roses sag with drooping petals, while others captivate with their beauty. However, it is vital to acknowledge that the perception of beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder.

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