Ace Food Desk

Ginger & Lemon Sweet Rolls

AceFoodDesk says here’s todays ‘Sweet Treat’ of Yummy Ginger and Lemon Sweet Rolls to Enjoy with Kindness & Love XX A&M

One of our favorite treats when we were growing up was my mom’s cinnamon rolls. When she made bread, she would often make extra dough for Sunday morning sweet rolls, and nothing gets the family out of bed and to the table faster than the aroma of fresh baked bread laced with cinnamon (well, maybe bacon frying). The rolls were inexpensive, delicious of course, and I have to admit that when I smell cinnamon, I am home, wherever I am.

Swirled Cinnamon Bread

            Sometimes, she would roll the whole thing up, often adding raisins, and bake a loaf of swirled cinnamon bread, and we loved that as well. No better toast in the world.

Bake a little comfort

            If you’ve had a tough week, this is comfort bread at its best. It not only gives you a boost, baking these makes your whole house inviting with the scents of spice. 

Enrich the dough

You can pretty much use any soft bread dough to make cinnamon rolls, but sweetened and enriched works best. Let the dough rise a bit, roll it out to a rectangle, and fill with cinnamon, sugar, and butter. Roll up, proof, bake, and there you are. Here, I’ve used honey, butter, and eggs to give the dough that boost of flavor and texture, and the cinnamon was left on the shelf to give ginger a chance to star.

Add more texture

            Swap white whole wheat flour for the traditional all-purpose flour for added flavor and texture, and a bit of fiber as well. No, it’s still not health food, but it is a bit better for you, and no, they don’t come out heavy or dense. Instant yeast used here is a bit quicker than active dry yeast, saves you a step.

Let’s change it up

      As much as I love cinnamon, it’s fun to switch things up a bit. Here I enlisted ginger, a family favorite, and added some lemon to give it another lift. The ginger in the filling is in three different forms: crystalized, ground, and fresh. These are very ginger forward, and extremely tasty. For special, add a little glaze and sprinkle a bit more ginger on top, gilding the lily. The lemon appears in both the dough and the filling, and if you choose to glaze you can add a nice amount of lemon flavor there as well.

Give yourself a break

Easy to make, they freeze well too so you can have a few stashed in the freezer at the ready. You can also make them the night before, rest the formed rolls in the refrigerator overnight, and bake them off in the morning. Then, the aroma of freshly baked bread and spices will call them all to the table on a Sunday morning without you uttering a word.

Ginger and Lemon Sweet Rolls



  • ¾ cup 2% milk, or plant milk, scalded
  • ¼ cup butter
  • ¼ cup local honey
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups white whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup white all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 pkt. Instant yeast
  • Zest of a lemon


  • 1/3 cup softened butter
  • 1/3 cup chopped crystalized ginger
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla paste or extract
  • 1-inch knob fresh ginger, grated on microplane
  • ½ tsp. cardamom
  • ¾ tsp. ground ginger
  • Zest of another lemon

Glaze (optional):

  • 1 cup 10X confectioners’ sugar
  • Limoncello or lemon juice to thin

            Scald the milk and add the butter and honey. Let cool to room temperature or just pleasantly warm so as not to kill the yeast (between 100 and 110 degrees F.). Check with a thermometer. Mom always said to be on the safe side, just a bit warmer than baby bath water. If it won’t hurt the baby, it won’t hurt the yeast.

            While the milk is cooling, mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl to wait, and mix all filling ingredients together. If you like, you can add a handful of toasted walnuts or pecans to the filling ingredients at this stage.

            To make the dough, add the eggs to the pleasantly warm liquid ingredients and combine with the dry mixture and mix well, then knead for seven to eight minutes.

Place in a warm, greased bowl, cover with a towel, and let rise for about a half hour. 

          Butter an 8 ½” by 11 ½” baking dish, or similar size round baking tin and set aside.

Turn the dough out on a floured board and let sit for 10 minutes. Roll out to about 10”X14” rectangle. Spread with the filling mixture evenly over, then roll up fairly snugly. 

Roll out rested dough and spread filling mixture evenly.
Cut the log into 12 pieces and snuggle in your prepared baking dish.

Cut the roll into 12 even sections. The easiest way to do this is to cut in half, then each half in half, and each quarter into three. You can get them pretty even by doing this. Place in the prepared pan; they should touch each other. Cover and let rise again for about an hour.

Bake in a preheated 375-degree oven for about 25 minutes, rotating once to ensure even browning. Let cool to warm, and while cooling make the glaze by mixing the sugar with just enough juice or spirits to make a runny drizzle. After glazing lightly, you can sprinkle on a bit more crystalized ginger and some lemon zest.

Sylvia’s kitchen tip:

The middle is always the best part…

I learned this from my mom, and it’s a great technique. After mixing the dough in your ceramic bowl, turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and immediately fill the bowl with hot tap water. Let this sit while you knead. Once kneaded, clean out the bowl, all the dough scraps come out easily now because of the soak, and you have a nice warm bowl in which to proof your dough. 

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