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Amanda Knox was re-convicted in an Italian slander case after a prior pardon for the 2007 murder of her roommate

A woman surrounded by cameras, crying.
Amanda Knox has been sentenced to three years in prison.(Reuters: Claudia Greco)normal

AceBreakingNews – An Italian court has re-convicted Amanda Knox for slander after she was previously acquitted in the 2007 murder of her British roommate Meredith Kercer while the pair were on exchange in Italy. 


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Ace Press News From Cutting Room Floor: Published: Jun.08: 2024: AP News Agency & Reuters News Agency Reports: Reuters: TELEGRAM: Ace Daily News Link 

A woman surrounded by cameras, crying.
Amanda Knox has been sentenced to three years in prison.(Reuters: Claudia Greco)normal

The court found that Knox had wrongly accused an innocent man, the Congolese owner of the bar where she worked part time, of the killing. 

Knox had been sentenced in an earlier case to three years for wrongly accusing bar owner Patrick Lumumba.

He was held for two weeks in 2007 before he was freed.

But Knox will not serve any more jail time, given the three-year sentence counts as time already served.

The retrial was set by a European court, ruling Italy had violated her human rights during a long night of questioning, and that Knox was deprived of both a lawyer and a competent translator.

A young girl in a white peasant top is held by two police officers
US student Amanda Knox during a 2008 court hearing in Perugia. (Reuters: Daniele La Monaca )

Knox showed no visible emotion as the verdict was read aloud.

Her lawyer, Carlo della Vedova, said shortly afterward that “Amanda is very embittered.”

She had spent four years in jail for the killing, but that conviction was annulled in 2015.

Knox told the judge and jury she wrongly accused Mr Lumumba of the killing under intense police pressure in overnight questioning without the benefit of a lawyer or competent translator.

In a statement delivered in the courtroom, Knox expressed that she had been threatened with 30 years in prison by the police. Additionally, she reported that an officer had slapped her three times, emphasizing, “Remember, remember.”

“I am very sorry that I was not strong enough to resist the pressure of police.”

“I didn’t know who the murderer was. I had no way to know,” she added.

The murder of 21-year-old Meredith Kercher in the northern Italian city of Perugia fuelled global headlines as suspicion fell on Knox, a then 20-year-old exchange student from Seattle and her Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito.

The case led to varying verdicts across nearly eight years of legal proceedings. 

An older woman looks at an Italian newspaper.
Amanda Knox’s case was the subject of worldwide speculation during its various trials.  (Reuters: Alessandro Bianchi)

Knox was freed in October 2011 by a Perugia appeals court that overturned the initial guilty verdict in the murder case against both Knox and Sollecito. 

She remained in the United States through more verdicts before Italy’s highest court definitively exonerated the pair of the murder in March 2015, stating flatly that they had not committed the crime.

Rudy Guede, an Ivorian man whose footprints and DNA were found at the scene, was later convicted. 

He was granted early release in 2021. 

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