

Strong relationships withstand the tests of time and brave the hardships encountered as though they are the necessities for survival.

Alas, long ago you became more enamored with our outer forms than the process of creation itself and slowly and steadily tipped the balance where you begin to covet your creations. You endeavored to identify and own your reality rather than recall your innate essence as a creator. You allowed the intellect of thought to supersede the feelings of the heart. Your willpower became the dominant force and the more you react to conditions, the less you consciously engaged your inner sanctum of imagination where infinite potential abounds. Generation upon generation, you unwittingly filled chapters with limitation, greed, dominance and control.

Life always seeks balance and you are re-awakening to the heart-centered energy that never left. Dimmed however never extinguished, your spark of God’s unconditional love is growing brighter and you are feeling your connection to life and to each other once again. Compassion and kindness are emerging as the next natural and vital chapters in your combined stories. When you infuse these energies in your intentions, your daily dialogue and thoughtful interactions become fresh story lines that will inspire children through many ages to come. You are realizing God’s unconditional love is what truly matters in our world!

By Peace Truth

Life can be likened to a bouquet of roses, each with its unique charm. Some roses sparkle like raindrops, while others lose their luster in the absence of sunlight. Some roses wilt away with time, while others bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors. Some roses sag with drooping petals, while others captivate with their beauty. However, it is vital to acknowledge that the perception of beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder.