

WE-ALL-WANT-ABSOLUTELY-GOOD-LOVE! “Well, what’cha-know-’bout-that!”

“UNCONDITIONAL!” a poem a.k.a.: “A Moment Is Sufficient!” 24 May 2019 (for: Friday)

Good luck! with-finding-perfect-love! Yeah! I’m-“smellin’-a-rat,” ( JUST JOKING) *

For I-ain’t buying this notion – of LOVE WITH NO CONDITIONS!!

At-least looking-for-it-in-others’-eyes; so, here’re-some-favorite-ad-missions:

(1) I tried to give TRUE LOVE, but-it-was-just-thrown-away;

(2) I failed to give love FULLY! So, I sought another way,
To-get-love on-a-street-corner, at-least-for-a-short-while;

(3) I searched for LOVE ETERNAL, and-I-found-me-many-a-smile,
But-frowns-always-came-later, so I “knew” IT-was-not-TRUE;

(4) I gave-up-on Unconditional-Love UNLESS-I-can-have-IT-with-you;

Or (5) “I took what I could get!” I took what I could get,

And-stopped-looking-for-“perfect-love”-in-others, ’cause-I-ain’t-found-it-yet!

Plus, I don’t expect-to-EVER – for ideas about love always change,

So, if I can get IT for just A MOMENT, I-DON’T find-that strange,

And-I-can cherish that-moment, for the rest of my life!


I’ll-[try-to]-make-her-my-wife!! 🙂 – Yeah! **

fin <3

* lost it there for a moment, rhythm had me flying

** please wifey I’m not serious about that

Forgiveness is next to GODLINESS 🤓

The life in front of you is more important than behind you
Don’t look back you’re not going there
You are amazing
You are unquestionably fabulous

Unconditional kindness ~

By Peace Truth

Life can be likened to a bouquet of roses, each with its unique charm. Some roses sparkle like raindrops, while others lose their luster in the absence of sunlight. Some roses wilt away with time, while others bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors. Some roses sag with drooping petals, while others captivate with their beauty. However, it is vital to acknowledge that the perception of beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder.