
💫 ‘Christmas Birth Is Planned’💫

Amen ✨✨✨✨✨


It was 7-days until two people chosen by God were to visit a town far away called Bethlehem they were named as we know Mary & Joseph and we also know well all those that BELIEVE that a child would be born THAT would be called Christ The Lord✨


So consider this the woman called Mary did not know, oh they knew they were going to be taxed by the Romans and she knew a boy child was going to be born and he would be called Jesus as she had been visited by an angel, she also knew he would be called but they did not know they would have a birth so special it would one day change the world ✨


So it was that days before hand these two planned a trip that would bring them to a place called Bethlehem as it was foretold to sages and prophets of time long ago ✨


NOW lets not rush like we do today read and inwardly digest the total UNDERSTANDING of WHAT was to come without these two Mary & Joseph even being aware ✨✨


SO they travel to a place to be taxed and it began before this MIRACULOUS BIRTH it began before Mary was even told GOD PLANNED this event even before they were born ✨✨


So this was a REAL plan NOT a plan that was SMALL but a HUGE plan that God would bring a Child of God to earth and he would come from a sign and that sign was a STAR 🌟that became called the ‘ Star of Bethlehem ‘ and shepherds and kings would FOLLOW it to the SAVIOURS birth ✨✨


They arrive and like any time when so many people descend on a LITTLE TOWN there is nowhere to STAY ✨No ROOM at the INN ✨but REMEMBER God had a plan and he would PROVIDE what was needed for Joseph and Mary✨✨

But there’s more soon 🕯

Amen 😇