
One wayward husband wandering eyes, dreaming of could have been ~

“A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL BREW!” a poem, a.k.a.: “Just One Click, Please!” July 26, 2019: Freya’s Day, dedicated: to all the lovely barmaids who “serve me,”* with sensual delight and glorious, care-free abandon! NOTE: OF COURSE, I never pay very much attention to barmaids, since my heart belongs ONLY TO ONE, my adorable, lovely, sexy, darling wife, who is much prettier AND SEXIER than any barmaid could ever even imagine being! 🙂 – Yup!

I-just-need one photo-of-you! A single “click” will be my delight,

So I can look at it – before bed time – AT NIGHT,

And then with-luck all right – I’ll dream,

Of YOU! Your pretty face will glow and beam!

So, PLEASE – just a photo: a tiny, clicking moment for me to dine!*

A PHOTO – of the most glorious angel, who serves** the finest wine,

And the choicest hops!

Yet, at-night, some-times-she-mops,

The puke – left by-brutes who drink-to-excess and don’t-even-tip!

I ONLY KNOW – I LOVE BARMAIDS, and, as I survey each, curvaceous hip,

And – what-we-can-only-call-a: “yummy tummy,”


I-know there truly-is a-Heavenly, Promised-Land,

Which I SHALL VISIT TONIGHT (pause) but only –

If you,



fin ©

  • – upon your beauty!

** – “She who serves THE BEST will be ‘the greatest’ among you!” The Nazarene