
Weaving threads 💥

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

My life is but a weaving Between my God and me. I cannot choose the colors He weaveth steadily.
Oft' times He weaveth sorrow; And I in unreasonable pride Forget He sees the upper And I the underside.
Not 'til the loom is silent And the shuttles cease to fly Will God unroll the canvas And reveal the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful In the weaver's skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver In the pattern He has planned.
He knows He loves, He cares; Nothing this truth can dim. He gives the very best to those Who leave the choice to Him.

By Peace Truth

Life can be likened to a bouquet of roses, each with its unique charm. Some roses sparkle like raindrops, while others lose their luster in the absence of sunlight. Some roses wilt away with time, while others bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors. Some roses sag with drooping petals, while others captivate with their beauty. However, it is vital to acknowledge that the perception of beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder.