
Faith @storyville

Lord God almighty, it is an honor to get to know You. I pray that I can spend my life learning about Your ways and grow in faith together. Forgive me, merciful Father, for my times of fear and sloth have prevented me from growing closer to You previously. I am asking that You pardon these sins, and I pledge a newfound vigor to learning about and implementing Your commandments. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.🙏🙏🙏

Lock & Key to Me is the Lock of Faith to Keep Faith In Your Heart & Key of Belief To Unlock That Faith In God. That is how My story has been written in Me …..

So today, it’s all about Faith and that Lock with a Key & Without a Key – Many people l have met on ‘ My Journey of Life ‘ have said they either Believe or Have Faith, and for Me – You Need Both because a ‘ Lock Without A Key ‘ will not allow You to Unlock all that God places in Your Heart and for Me, it began with Faith in God and due to all those that l met before God entered My Life l was a non-believer Or so l thought but God does not ask anyone to Believe in God, but People do ask, and l was approached many, many times asking questions and saying – You Believe In God – l said l have Faith in God – and they would say ‘ What is the Difference ‘ – l said l am still Learning & Being Taught about opening My Heart and Understanding God …...

This seemed to confuse people – But – If – were the types of words and exclamations as they and l understood this they could not understand, but as l learned, God was teaching l belief in My Heart as l was teaching people who were ‘ Poor In Heart ‘ like Me …….

So today, its Faith, and l Give You The Key as its needs ‘ Understanding ‘ not of Me but in your Heart with God and Kindness & Love l say in Peace & Truth that hold Your faith and one day in 🙏🙏 You will believe in God, and then Your Key will unlock Your Heart to Understand the Life God wants, and You Need …….