
Ace says …..Faith Hope & Charity



Today’s world is all about either ‘ Your Faith Has Healed You ‘ Or ‘ Hope for a Better World ‘ or Caritas (Charity), not the type you put money in a box or pledge cash to but Kindness & Love. In Peace & Truth like A&M …..


Now Jesus (Iesu) said,’ Your Faith Has Healed You,’ and it was so, and ‘ People Say l Hope You Have A Good Day ‘, and sometimes it is so, and others say ‘ Charity Begins At Home ‘ with all it should be given in Kindness & Love In Peace & Truth like A&M ……..


l say unto you this day that for Us its Faith (the Lock) in our ‘ Heart & Life ‘ it is God that will bring ‘ Hope to the World ‘ and give to All those with a ‘ Charitable Heart ‘ thus as it was said in the ‘ Lord Is My Shepherd l Shall Not Want ‘ and will Provide all we Need In the Garden of Eden like A&M ……..


Many people cannot see this today with all that is ‘ False That Sends People Astray ‘, but l say that one day those that ‘ Hold Faith In Their Heart ‘ Hope for A Better World For Our Children ‘ and have a ‘ Kind & Loving Charitable Heart ‘ they will receive like A&M ……


So to you All in Kindness & Love In Peace & Truth we silently 🙏🙏 for you all to ‘ Grow Your Faith ‘ Bring Hope, Not Fear Into The World ‘ & Most of All 🙏🙏 silently to God every day, ask nothing for yourself but to have ‘ Faith In God ‘ Hope For The World ‘ & Charitable Heart ‘ and when God is ready knowing your heart to be True he will come and stay with you like A&M ……..