
People Come @storyville

Amen 🙏🙏

People come in many shapes and sizes and many colors too but only Jesus (Iesu) came from that virgin to this Earth to spread the word of what was about to come and still people wait in anticipation of that time again when the breaking of that commandment ‘ Thou Shalt Not Kill ‘ will be forgiven by ‘ God In Heaven ‘ when it was time to ‘ Sacrifice The Son ‘ who some say died to ‘ Save This World ‘ from man

So as the people wait and wait again for what is about to come neither do they know just where but God and many people will come in my name that is how the story goes and they will claim to be the one whom God had sent before but only those with God in their heart will really know the one 

Its now many thousands of years since that fateful day when Jesus (Iesu) died and left that world to man and take a look at the ‘ Degradation of War, Famine, Pestilence & Death – And really can you truthfully say that its a better world – So l say unto you l wait and 🙏🙏 for that today when it is time for God to bring his Son back again