
Ultrasound-Guided Biopsies vs MRI, DRE vs PSA | Answering YouTube Comments #57

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Ultrasound-Guided Biopsies vs MRI, DRE vs PSA | Answering YouTube Comments #57

Your own love and approval

When it feels like something is missing in life, what is truly missing is your own love and approval.

Your own love and approval

Safe, warm and comfortable – there is only now

Surrounded by soothing safety. The gentle, warm water embracing every inch of your skin. Safe. Warm. Comfortable. Nothing before this moment matters. Nothing before this moment exists. There is only now and this warm, soothing memory.

Safe, warm and comfortable – there is only now

O.C.D Mental Obsessive Disorder

Intrusive thoughts or obsessions as psychologists call them affecting everyone. But some people can’t get rid of them as easily as the rest of us.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental anxiety disorder which produces repeated thoughts or images about many different things, such as fear of germs, dirt, or intruders; acts of violence; hurting loved ones; sexual acts; or being overly tidy.

According to the World Health Organization, anxiety disorders, like OCD are more prevalent in developed countries than in developing countries.

In the U.S. 1 in 40 adults and 1 in 100 children face OCD.

Researchers have found that people with OCD often score very highly for particular personality traits. These include: Neuroticism, Impulsivity, Responsibility, Indecisiveness and Perfectionism.

On average, people are diagnosed with OCD when they are 19-years-old.OCD is treatable and people who suffer from it can live a normal life.

Perfectionism is one of the most common personality traits in OCD. Indeed, some researchers have described obsessive-compulsives as the ultimate perfectionists.Neuroticism – anxious and keen to avoid dangerous situations during OCD personality traits.

People who suffer from obsessive-compulsivedisorder (OCD) are plagued by intrusive thoughts that they can’t banish from their minds, no matter how hard they try. Intrusive thoughts or obsessions as psychologists call them affecting everyone. But some people can’t get rid of them as easily as the rest of us. The difference between OCD in adults and children is that children may not be able to realize the reason for their behaviour or thoughts (or that their behaviours or thoughts are unusual). People with family members who suffer from OCD might be predisposed to the illness. Also, as an anxiety disorder, experts believe that OCD might also be linked to levels of serotonin in the brain and stress or illness may trigger its symptoms. Obsessive-compulsives are tortured by these thoughts which they find profoundly disgusting and distressing. Many of us carry out daily rituals consisting of a series of tasks that we might otherwise forget. For example, checking that all the doors and windows are locked before we go to bed at night is a routine that guards against burglary. But in OCD, these rituals spiral out of control. Common obsessions include fears of contamination by germs, dirt or chemicals, flooding the house, causing a fire, or being burgled obsessions experienced by OCD sufferers can be grouped along with several common themes like common obsessions, common compulsions etc.OCD sufferers are driven to carry out complex rituals known as compulsions which are triggered by obsessions. Most OCD compulsions are logically related to their obsession. For instance, sufferers carry out cleaning rituals to rid themselves of contaminants.

Some OCD sufferers are so afraid of being misunderstood by others that they become very skilful at hiding their symptoms and can appear entirely normal. In other cases, symptoms can be so severe that sufferers receive disability compensation. Some Common compulsions include 1) Cleaning – repeatedly washing hands or wiping household surfaces for hours on end, 2) Checking – repeatedly questioning whether lights switches are turned off, or appliances are unplugged etc. Researchers have found that people with OCD often score very highly for particular personality traits. These include Neuroticism, Impulsivity, Responsibility, Indecisiveness and Perfectionism. Neuroticism – anxious and keen to avoid dangerous situations during OCD personality traits. Perfectionism is one of the most common personality traits in OCD. Indeed, some researchers have described obsessive-compulsives as the ultimate perfectionists. Symptoms of OCD may include: an overwhelming attraction to one person obsessive thoughts feeling the need to “protect” the person you’re in love with, possessive thoughts& actions, extreme jealousy over other interpersonal interactions and low self-esteem. Sometimes they physically harm themselves or that person also which turns into crime and mental illness.OLD is one type of OCD. Obsessive love disorder” (OLD) refers to a condition where you become obsessed with one person you think you may be in love with. You might feel the need to protect your loved ones obsessively or even become controlling of them as if they were a possession. The difference between healthy and obsessive love is that with the latter, those feelings of infatuation become extreme, expanding to the point of becoming obsessions. Obsessive love and jealousy that is delusional is a symptom of mental health problems and is a symptom that occurs in about 0.1% of adults.


Dementia Tips when touring ~

Here are some tips to consider when planning to travel with someone with dementia:

  • If this is your first trip since your loved one has developed dementia, or if his or her behaviours or care needs have changed significantly since travelling last, it may be useful to do a trial run. Practice by taking a short trip, ideally using the same type of transportation planning for the long trip. This can provide a sense of the person’s travel capacity. If the person does not tolerate the shorter trip, you may want to reconsider or adjust your plans.
  • When packing, make copies of important documents and information to take with you, including:

Emergency contact information
Doctors’ names and contact information (You may also want to identify medical facilities at your destination.)
List of current medications and dosages
List of drug or food allergies
Copies of legal papers (living will, advanced directives, power of attorney, etc.)
Insurance information
Travel itinerary
COVID-19 vaccination cards, if applicable

  1. Have the person with dementia carry or wear identification (such as an ID bracelet) at all times. Consider marking their clothing with their name. Make sure that the following information is in their wallet or purse: name, important phone numbers, and any medical conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. Remember to pack the following:

Water, drinks
Activities to do while traveling and at the destination
Favorite items
Medications (Consider consulting your doctor about medications for mood control, pain, stomach upset, diarrhea, or other temporary problems that might arise while traveling.)
Face masks and hand sanitizer

  1. Being prepared in case of an emergency is crucial. Put together an emergency kit in a watertight bag or container. This kit should include:

Copies of important documents and identification
Recent picture of the person with dementia
Extra clothing
Extra medication
Incontinence products
Bottled water
First aid kit

  1. Try to travel to familiar, stable, and well-ordered settings. Try to make the trip there as short and simple as possible.
  2. Build flexibility into the travel plans to give the person time to adjust and rest as needed.
  3. Allow plenty of time for everything, from driving to the train station to navigating the airport.
  4. Try to travel during the person’s best time of day.
  5. Do not drive alone with a person who is agitated. Your safety, as well as theirs and that of other people using the roads, may be at risk.
  6. Take regular rest breaks. Check frequently to ensure that all basic needs are met (toileting, hydration, nutrition).
  7. Make sure the person is wearing comfortable clothes that allow for ease when using the toilet.
  8. Do not leave the person with dementia unsupervised, especially in new surroundings. There should be a familiar and reassuring companion at all times.
  9. Try to avoid crowded, busy, or loud places, especially if the person is tired.
  10. The level of activity at airports and travel stations can be confusing or stressful to someone with dementia.

Consider calling ahead to request a wheelchair so that you have assistance getting quickly from place to place.
Look for signs of distress and try to calm and reassure the person. Remove the person from the stressful setting if possible.

  1. Inform the airlines, travel, or hotel staff ahead of time of any special needs to make sure that they are prepared to assist you. Always ask for assistance; people cannot help you if they do not know that you need help.
  2. Use services designated for people with disabilities.
  3. Be sure that your destination has a safe environment. Keep in mind the following:

Working smoke alarms and fire extinguishers
Non-slip surface in the shower or bathtub
Water temperature (faucets in new places may be confusing, so check to make sure the temperature is properly adjusted)
Adequate lighting in the hallways, bedrooms and bathrooms (take several nightlights just in case)Try to remove potential hazards and clutter (unplug or remove the coffee maker, hairdryer, etc)

  1. Be aware of the risk of wandering that can be triggered by a change in environment.
  2. If you are staying in a hotel and wandering is a problem:

Lock the door to the room and place a chair in front of it if possible
Consider using a portable door alarm or childproof doorknob cover
If there are two beds, sleep in the one closest to the door

  1. Control access to car keys.
  2. Try to keep a sense of humour, and enjoy your time with the person.

Sunbury Lunatic Asylum
In the 19th Century,

Sunbury Lunatic Asylum
In the 19th Century, mental illness was treated with fear and in many cases, terrible measures were applied to relatively helpless patients. To be committed to an Asylum required the signatures and agreements of two Doctors ratified by a Magistrate. The person was then deemed to be a ‘Lunatic’ and was generally admitted to an Asylum, and in most cases – never released. Caloola was one of these places and considered by the medical profession of the times to be a fine example of such a facility and representing the very best in care. Or did it?
Commencing as an ‘Industrial School’ in 1864, the property was re-commissioned as an Asylum in 1879. To use the proper term, a Lunatic Asylum. It was substantially developed between 1891 and 1914. The original Industrial School consisted of ten basalt buildings of which 9 remain. Between 1865-66, the Public Works Department of Victoria under the direction of General William Wardell designed these buildings and added four workrooms, a kitchen, a hospital, basalt farm buildings, stone walls and roads. The facilities were used to train neglected children in the 1860s. Boys worked on the farms and in the workshops, in tailoring and shoemaking whilst girls were trained as domestics. Basalt is what we now call Bluestone. It is a cold hard stone, an igneous rock formed by volcanic activity.
The major development of the facility that came to be known as the Sunbury Lunatic Asylum occurred between 1892 and 1912. It was supervised by the then Chief Architect of the Public Works Department, George Watson. A site plan had been prepared by the gifted Architect Henry Bastow in 1888.
The buildings conformed to international Asylum standards, brick with terracotta tiled roofing. It was a major departure from the large monolithic buildings constructed as Asylums in Kew and Beechworth, where lock-up was considered more desirable than care.
The wards featured electric lighting from 1905-6. Food was delivered from the kitchen to the wards via an internal tramway constructed in 1908. Telephone and fire alarms were fitted to all wards by 1911.
The gardens and grounds were designed by Hugh Linaker and were planted out between the two 20th century wars. Mature trees now include Oaks, Elms and Pines as well as Cypress, all surrounded by a drystone perimeter wall and later, a brick ha-ha wall.
The entire facility is of great architectural significance to the State of Victoria. The original school provided harsh, unforgiving conditions for those unfortunate enough to merit such training as children.
It was typical of such facilities to present with large ‘airing’ courtyards and as was the practice, it was constructed far from the normal population centres of the times.
Essentially, it was a throwback to feudal villages but constructed on a grand scale. Once you found yourself an inmate you rarely if ever were allowed to leave. The inmates became free indentured labour, working on farms, in laundries and kitchens – until they died.
The place had many delights – padded cells, ripple iron cells and simple dormitory accommodation – zero privacy. Male and female wards. The Female ward was the former male ward dedicated to the criminally insane.
It is typical of Pubic Works construction of the 1860s to the 1880s with classically inspired detailing. Initially austere in bluestone, solid and singularly detached, the newer developments up until 1912 saw warmer brick and tile with links to all buildings. Patients went from being ‘hidden’ to being managed. The place remained a psychiatric facility until 1968 after which it became a training centre for the intellectually disabled (1962-1992). The site was partially occupied by Victoria University until 2011 with the remainder being used by the Department of Education up until the present.
It is a fine example of cohesive planning with a unity of materials and very distinctive and unusual detailing such as the Buttressing and pitch of the roofing. It demonstrates the attitude of the times to Mental Health and stands as a memorial to the never-ending cavalcade of sad, unfortunate and desperate souls who passed through its gates over many years.
Source Balance Architecture


Tips for Communicating with People with Dementia ~

Good communications tips for any situation
• Always approach from the front so you do not startle the person
• Determine how close the person wants you to be
• Communicate in a calm place with little noise or distraction
• Always identify yourself and use the person’s name
• Speak slowly– using a lower voice is calming and easier to understand
• Be aware and adjust your approach if the person has a hearing impairment
•Move and speak slowly
•Try to see and hear yourself as they might– always describe what you are going to do
•Use simple language and short sentences. If performing a procedure or assisting with self-care, simplify and list steps one at a time.
•Check your non-verbal language.
•Use the same words if you need to, repeat an instruction or question. However, you may be using a word the person doesn’t understand, such as “tired.” Try other words like “nap,” “lie down,” or “rest.”
•Suggest what you think the word is. If this upsets the person, learn from it and try not to correct it. As communicating with words (written and spoken) becomes more difficult, smiling, touching, and hugging can help communicate love and concern– remember some people find touch frightening or unwelcome.
•Ask the person to repeat your statements. Use short words and sentences, allowing time to answer
•Pay attention to the communication methods that are effective and use them
•Watch for non-verbal communication as the ability to talk diminishes. Observe body language: eyes, hands, facial expressions
•Use signs, labels, or written messages
•Encourage people to point, gesture, or mime. If they are upset, but cannot explain why, just offer comfort with a hug, a smile, or distraction techniques. Attempting to verbalize may be more frustrating.
• Post reminders, such as calendars, activity boards, pictures, and signs on doors. Before the final stage of dementia, signs and labels can sometimes help with orientation. However, reality orientation does not help in the later stages of
• Encourage reminiscing if it seems to give pleasure. It is an opportunity to learn more about the person.
• Try to limit the times you say “don’t.” Instead, redirect activities toward something constructive
• Do not take it personally. Try to redirect behaviour or ignore it.

• Remember it is the dementia speaking and not the person.
• As speaking abilities decline, use non-verbal communication. People with AD will understand touch, smiles, laughter, much longer than they will understand the spoken or written word.
• However, remember that some people do not like to be touched. Approach touching slowly. Be gentle, softly touching the hand or placing your arm around the person. A hug or a kiss can express affection and care. A smile can say you want to help.
• Even after verbal abilities are lost, signs, labels, and gestures can reach people with dementia. Assume people with AD can understand more than they can express. Never talk about them as though they were not there

Ace Daily News Health

(NEW SOUTH WALES) #Coronavirus Report: An unvaccinated staff member at an aged-care facility in Sydney’s northwest is among 24 new #COVID19 cases in NSW, sparking renewed concerns that not all healthcare workers are getting the jab #AceHealthDesk report

#AceHealthReport – July.06: Two close contacts of this nurse have now also tested positive: a healthcare worker in her 20s who worked at Royal North Shore, Fairfield and Ryde Rehabilitation hospitals while infectious; and a man in his 60s who works at Royal North Shore Hospital.

#CoronavirusNewsDesk – Another unvaccinated health worker raises concerns as NSW records 24 new #COVID19 cases acording to Chief health officer Dr Kerry Chant said the woman in her 20s worked at Summit Care in Baulkham Hills: It comes after an unvaccinated 24-year-old student nurse tested positive after working at Fairfield Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospital.

Play Video. Duration: 3 minutes 59 seconds
What are the Delta and Delta Plus COVID-19 variants?

Dr Chant said the good news was that the man had not worked while infectious.

She also said while it was believed the aged-care worker was not vaccinated, the majority of residents at Summit Care had been inoculated.

“I was very pleased to be advised that around 135 out of the 149 residents at Summit Care were vaccinated and they had concluded their Pfizer vaccination for over a month,” she said.

To date, more than 390 staff and patients of the various facilities have been identified as close contacts, with investigations ongoing.

Dr Chant confirmed the student nurse had also not been vaccinated.

“At the moment there is not mandatory vaccination for all healthcare workers,” she said.

However around 200,000 vaccines had been administered to health professionals in the public and private systems, Dr Chant said.

NSW Health also confirmed a person tested positive to COVID-19 a day after attending the Sydney Olympic Park vaccination centre on Tuesday June 29.

In a statement, NSW Health said the vaccination centre had been thoroughly cleaned and contact tracing was underway, with some close and casual contacts already idenitifed. 

Play Video. Duration: 2 minutes 14 seconds
Kerry Chant outlines the details of health care and aged care workers who tested positive to COVID-19.(ABC News)

A man whose mother resides at SummitCare Baulkham Hills said the situation showed how “bungled” the vaccine rollout had been. 

SummitCare Baulkham Hills advised families of the positive result in an email early this morning, saying the majority of residents are fully immunised.

Richard Aichinger’s 88-year-old mother, who has received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine, has lived at the home for nearly two years.

“Mum’s pretty stoic,” he told the ABC.

“She’s got no problems being there, she’s quite confident with the vaccine. 

“They’ve taken very good care of her and the other residents. She’s fairly happy there but maybe a bit nervous with what’s happened today.”

A building with the words SummitCare on the wall
The majority of residents at SummitCare are vaccinated.(Facebook: SummitCare)

In the letter to families, CEO Michelle Sloane said all staff who worked shifts at the same time as the nurse were isolating.

“Whilst we recognise that this is distressing news we wish to reassure you that all precautions have immediately been activated and all staff and residents will undergo testing first thing tomorrow morning,” Ms Sloane wrote.

Mr Aichinger said SummitCare had been exemplary through the pandemic, but his disappointment lay with the vaccine rollout.

His partner works in community aged care and has only just been able to get a vaccine booking in two weeks.

“I think it’s just a bungling of the whole vaccine rollout,” he said.

“Everyone had the impression that healthcare and aged care workers were going to be given priority and it doesn’t seem that they have been.”

‘Minimise movement’, Sydney residents urged

Earlier, NSW Premier Gladys Bereijiklian warned Sydney’s lockdown would fail unless people did more to reduce their movement.

The Premier said it was “cause for concern” that half of the new cases had been out in the community while infectious.

“If we want the lockdown to succeed, all of us have to minimise our movements,” she said.

“In too many examples we are seeing workers who are leaving the house with symptoms or going to work with symptoms, then inadvertently as they are going about shopping or other activity, they are passing it onto others.”

Homebush vaccination hub
The person went to the vaccination hub on Tuesday June 29 between 3.30 and 5.00pm.(Supplied: NSW Health)

The Premier said the proportion of new positive cases already in isolation would be the “measure of our success” over the next few days.

“All of us to have minimise our interaction with others, as difficult as that is, to make sure that the lockdown is successful,” she said.

Full list of NSW COVID exposure sites NSW Health has confirmed more venues for both close and casual contacts, connected to the highly infectious Delta COVID-19 strain, including a H&M store and a Western Sydney gym.

There has now been 195 locally acquired COVID-19 cases reported since June 16, when a limousine driver based in Sydney’s eastern suburbs tested positive after transporting international flight crew.

Of today’s new cases, 17 were linked to existing clusters.

Dr Chant said two passengers on a Virgin flight from the Gold Coast to Sydney on Saturday had tested positive.

It comes after a crew member on the same flight tested positive after undergoing a rapid test on Saturday night.

The government today announced it would establish two new mass vaccination centres — in south-west Sydney and the Illawarra — as well as a large clinic in Sydney’s CBD to help the state with an influx of Pfizer vaccines being provided by the Commonwealth.

One of the major vaccination hubs will be in an old Coles building in Macquarie Fields while the other will be in a former David Jones in Wollongong.

Workers scanning at Homebush vaccination hub
More than 7,500 jabs were given at the Sydney Olympic Park vaccine hub in the 24 hours to 8:00pm yesterday.(Supplied: NSW Health)

The government said the new vaccination hubs were expected to deliver thousands of additional jabs each week and would operate alongside the one already operating at Sydney Olympic Park.

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the new Sydney City vaccination hub would be close to public transport, which would allow staff to work through extended opening hours.

Mr Hazzard also announced 22 pharmacies across regional and rural NSW would begin administering the AstraZeneca jab as part of a pilot program.

The first shots will be given from mid-July in pharmacies in towns including Gulgong, Narromine, Walcha, Dungog, Dunedoo and Merriwa.

There were 59,941 tests reported to 8:00pm last night, compared with the previous day’s total of 68,220.

Catch up on the main COVID-19 news from July 4 with a look back at our blog

#AceHealthDesk report ……Published: July.06: 2021:

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