
Ace says ……Its time for love with the lady of your ❤️ & soul-mate forevermore …..Amen

Hello my Friends, Followers & Readers it time for there’s more ….so firstly this time its about those people looking for the perfect mate like God brought to Adam by creating him in heaven …but there’s more ….

‘Adam & His Mate Named By God In Heaven’

So on Earth as it is in Heaven begins the story of God knowing us before we are born and then we we come down to Earth in a family he has chosen and there is born a little girl or boy and God names them …but there’s more ……

‘Little Girl Full Of The Love Of God’

So we have one male child just like Jesus and one female child like Mary and God named them in Heaven before we were born and his plan is too one day bring those two together as one but there’s more …..

‘Little Boy Full Of The Love Of God’

He gives them a name in Heaven before and thats their spiritual name know one but God knows that name and as we are born on Earth we are named by our family and for years after we will walk the Earth learning from all he wants to teach us …..including ‘Right from Wrong’ until he is ready for us to be moved from one side of the world to the other ….such as the U.K. to Australia to meet the one he named in Heaven and the other side of our 💔 and before we were born on Earth but there’s more ……

It has been God that has guided us all the days of our life to walk his path be it ‘Good OR Bad’ to gain the knowledge of the world and to learn greater ‘Wisdom’ of the life we had before we met that girl and as God had made us in Heaven before we were born and we were made in his image and both male and female we were both sides a ❤️ and had travelled different paths but only God knows us from the ‘Second’ we á were through to be named in Heaven as Jesus & Mary’s ❤️and we would day meet upon a beach somewhere and walk hand in hand forevermore but there’s more ……

‘Walking Hand In Hand On The Sand’

Now this is ‘Love Story’ of two that have not met so far as God is in the process of finalising their ❤️ so when the sides of this come together it will be forevermore but there’s more ……

As was predicted Jesus returns for his bride ….

So across….. Social Media, Kindness, News & More and who is this lady Mary this mans paramour well she is really special and a lady beyond compare and all this man called Jesus is waiting is for God to move him near and as that day approaches his feelings in his ❤️ grow more full of passion and love for his soul mate evermore …..but then this ‘Love Story’ was written by God in the beginning and when that day approaches it will end as it had started with a marriage made in Heaven and they will then be married for ever and evermore …..but there’s more ……

‘ Bride Waiting For Her Man To Arrive’
‘Her Man Kneels Before His Lady Mary’

So NOW l hear you asking who is this mans paramour well that my friends, followers & readers will be revealed one day when God is GOOD and READY to bring these two together and as he named them both in Heaven …male and female so long ago and when they intertwine in their loving embrace it will be as if they know each other as God intended for that night and then finally that missing piece in both those God named is brought together in a place to name the Queen of his ❤️ and she will be there waiting for the day her man arrives and those two God had chosen are brought together once more ……..

‘Finally They Are Married Before God Forevermore’

Until the next time my Friends, Followers & Readers and there will be more as l know you are now interested in who the lady Mary of his ❤️ is and who did God choose for Jesus to be married forevermore …….Amen God Bless You In Your Search For The Perfect One 🙏’s

Published: March.01: 2021: