

Discover how brain reprogramming works and how to use it to train your mind to believe something. Learn about a simple technique called energy orbiting.

According to neuroscience, our subconscious mind has immense power in controlling our lives.

The life that weโ€™re living is a result of how our subconsious mind has been programmed. At least 95% of our thoughts and behaviours in our waking life are run by these default programming.

The beliefs that you have, that have been programmed starting from childhood, directly impact the life youโ€™re living right now. If you have limiting beliefs around money, those beliefs are whatโ€™s stopping you from having more of it. It creates blocks that hold you back from your desires.

Law of attraction cannot give you something that your subconscious mind does not believe.

And thatโ€™s where Energy Orbiting comes into play. Itโ€™s an access, a hack, to your subconscious mind.

Surface level techniques such as affirmations or visualizations do not work to eliminate deeply rooted subconscious negative beliefs and innermost vibration blocks.

And energy orbiting provides the solution.

Think of energy orbiting as a hacker that can break the password of your subconscious mind and make changes from there. It can modify beliefs and change who you are at your core, at your deepest subconscious level. It goes deeper into those thoughts, ideas, and beliefs you donโ€™t even know you have, and creates changes in your daily actions by rearranging your basic concept of yourself.

How Does It Accomplish This?

Energy orbiting combines the powerful effects of neuro-linguisting programming and brainwave entrainment. With the use of audio sounds at a right frequency level, and in combination with empowering subliminal messages and commands which act as seeds, your subconsious mind is being planted with new beliefs and programming that are now in alignment with your true energies of joy, happiness, success, abundance, harmony, and more.

It penetrates deep into your subconscious, clearing all kinds of blockages that get in the way of your manifesting success.

It effortlessly raises your vibrations. It helps your brain work better. And you become naturally in-sync with the frequency of the Universe. When you are tuned to life, you act at your best, and you attract the right people and circumstances into your life.

And you do this without effort. And the results are fast.

Why? Because your subconscious thinking is now attuned to whatโ€™s good, and you automatically gravitate to what you desire.

The energy orbiting method does this very well that you can eliminate phobias, change basic preferences, and heal wounds from past memories, starting from childhood. Itโ€™s very effective and is actually endorsed by some of the best-known authors in the field of personal development.

It is a brain reprogramming tool that allows you to redesign who you are, not on the surface level, but truly deep down at your core. Your core, which Law of Attraction is responding to.

It fixes the underlying and fundamental issues in your beliefs and patterns of thinking that are causing the sabotage in every aspect of your life, in one way or another.

This energy orbiting method alone is enough to attract and manifest wonderful things in your life because youโ€™ll now be operating at a higher frequency level, when all of those subconscious limiting beliefs have been cleared out.

Because if you want a successful and abundant life, you must BECOME the person who is naturally successful and abundant.

You see, the only difference between you and a successful person is that the other one has the programming, beliefs and identity of success. And if you develop them too, thereโ€™s no way that anything can stop you from manifesting just that.

By clearing the old obstacles on your path, you will now be vibrating higher to manifest miracles without anything getting in the way.

And this is the true total personal transformation that youโ€™ve been wanting but have never figured out how to accomplish, until now.

When neuro-linguistic programming is paired with brainwave entrainment, the results are truly mind blowing.

You can see a real change happening in just days, unlike all other methods youโ€™ve tried for a long time that have failed. Because they are not truly addressing the root cause thatโ€™s blocking the progress.

And if you wanted to go in-depth on what energy orbiting can do for you, I invite you to watch this special video on how to access this brain programming tool.

This is a breakthrough method thatโ€™s effortless and easy, which is how manifesting is supposed to be.

You donโ€™t have to read anything.
You donโ€™t have to study.
You donโ€™t have to actively participate in this.
You just let the power of energy orbiting tweak your brain, and bring it on a higher level of vibration.
You need not do anything special.
You just listen before going to sleep and let it do the powerful work for you.

Then soon youโ€™ll see how things are different in your life. People are more receptive. Opportunities youโ€™ve never thought about show up from nowhere, without you doing the hard work. Everything just feels right on track, and things fall into place for you, without the heavy lifting.

This is a powerful brain reprogramming technology. It allows you to easily program your subconscious mind โ€” planting seeds into the fertile ground of both your mind and heart.

This will heal you and help you manifest miracles in your life.

Itโ€™s about time to break old habitsย and form a new viewpoint.



Society teaches us to value the welfare of others over our own. And this is often the reason why we feel conflicted when faced with a choice between helping others and helping ourselves. In the e…

Society teaches us to value the welfare of others over our own. And this is often the reason why we feel conflicted when faced with a choice between helping others and helping ourselves. In the end, we usually choose other people. We enjoy the feeling of being magnanimous and charitable when we help others. It provides us with a sense of fulfillment. Giving to others makes us feel that life is meaningful.

But sometimes we go too far. Even when we have nothing left to give, we still do. We forget ourselves. We exchange our priorities, our plans and our ambitions for those of others. We fail to set limits and sacrifice too much for other people. As a result, whatever time, money or energy that is meant for ourselves we give to those around us.

Do we really become fulfilled when we do this? Or are we just avoiding the feeling of guilt that arises when we donโ€™t give? Is this so-called meaningfulness that we experience merely an excuse, a rationalization? When we give beyond what we should, is this really helping? Or are we in fact encouraging dependence on us?

When faced with a choice between ourselves and others, sometimes we should choose ourselves also. Itโ€™s not selfishness to do this. Because when we sacrifice too much, we are prioritizing others at our own expense.

We should find time do what we enjoy. We ought to develop our potentials and be all that we can be. And we need to stay healthy in every aspect of life. The only real way we can be of any good to the people around us is by taking care of ourselves first. Only when we are complete, whole and happy can we be of greater help to those who truly need us.


Suffering is a gift.

It is an hidden mercy

~ Rumi

The world gives us plenty of opportunities to strengthen our patience.


God needs you to understand ๐Ÿ’ซ

God can see things we canโ€™t see. We see dead ends, no way out. We canโ€™t break this addiction, the medical report is not good, itโ€™s not possible. Weโ€™re natural, but God is supernatural. He can part Red Seas; He can heal sick bodies. He can cause contracts, opportunities, and good breaks to come to you. This doesnโ€™t happen if youโ€™re striving, trying to do it on your own. It happens when youโ€™re abiding, trusting Him, not stressed, not worried, but relaxed, knowing that Heโ€™s in control! God can see things we canโ€™t see. We see dead ends, no way out. We canโ€™t break this addiction, the medical report is not good, itโ€™s not possible. Weโ€™re natural, but God is supernatural. He can part Red Seas; He can heal sick bodies. He can cause contracts, opportunities, and good breaks to come to you. This doesnโ€™t happen if youโ€™re striving, trying to do it on your own. It happens when youโ€™re abiding, trusting Him, not stressed, not worried, but relaxed, knowing that Heโ€™s in control!

God needs you to understand
God needs you to understand

The adoption of non-co-operation for the sake of the Khilafat was itself a great practical attempt made by Congress to bring about Hindu-Muslim unity. ~ AT NAGPUR –

The resolutions adopted at the Calcutta special session of the Congress were to be confirmed at its annual session at Nagpur. Here again, as at Calcutta, there was a great rush of visitors and delegates. The number of delegates in the Congress had not been limited yet. As a result, so far as I can remember, the figure on this occasion reached about fourteen thousand. Lalaji pressed for a slight amendment to the clause about the boycott of schools, which I accepted. Similarly, some amendments were made at the instance of the Deshabandhu, after which the non-co-operation resolution was passed unanimously. The resolution regarding the revision of the Congress constitution too was to be taken up at this session of Congress. the sub- committee’s draft was presented at the Calcutta special session. The matter had therefore been thoroughly ventilated and thrashed out. At the Nagpur session, where it came up for final disposal, St. C. Vijayaraghavachariar was the President. The Subjects Committee passed the draft with only one important change. In my draft the number of delegates had been fixed, I think, at 1,500; the Subjects Committee substituted in its place the figure 6,000. In my opinion, this increase was the result of hasty judgment, and the experience of all these years has only confirmed me in my view. I hold it to be an utter delusion to believe that a large number of delegates is in any way help to the better conduct of the business, or that it safeguards the principle of democracy. Fifteen hundred delegates, jealous of the interests of the people, broad-minded and truthful, would any day be a better safeguard for democracy than six thousand irresponsible men chosen anyhow. To safeguard democracy the people must have a keen sense of independence, self-respect and their oneness, and should insist upon choosing as their representatives only such persons as are good and true. But obsessed with the idea of numbers as the Subjects Committee was, it would have liked to go even beyond the figure of six thousand. The limit of six thousand was therefore like a compromise. The question of the goal of the Congress formed a subject for keen discussion. In the constitution that I had presented, the goal of the Congress was the attainment of Swaraj within the British Empire if possible and without if necessary. A party in the Congress wanted to limit the goal to Swaraj within the British Empire only. Its viewpoint was put forth by Pandit Malaviyaji and Mr Jinnah. But they were not able to get many votes. Again the draft constitution provided that the means for the attainment were to be peaceful and legitimate. This condition too came in for opposition, it is contended that there should be no restriction upon the means to be adopted. But the Congress adopted the original draft after an instructive and frank discussion. I am of opinion that, if this constitution had been worked out by the people honestly, intelligently and zealously, it would have become a potent instrument of mass education, and the very process of working it out would have brought us Swaraj. But a discussion of the theme would be irrelevant here. Resolutions about Hindu-Muslim unity, the removal of untouchability and Khadi too were passed in this Congress, and since then the Hindu members of the Congress have taken upon themselves the responsibility of ridding Hinduism of the curse of untouchability, and the Congress has established a living bond of relationship with the ‘skeletons’ of India through Khadi. The adoption of non-co-operation for the sake of the Khilafat was itself a great practical attempt made by Congress to bring about Hindu-Muslim unity. ~ AT NAGPUR –



From its very inception the Khadi movement, Swadeshi movement as it was then called, evoked much criticism from the mill-owners. The late Umar Sobani, a capable mill-owner himself, not only gave me the benefit of his own knowledge and experience, but kept me in touch with the opinion of the other mill-owners as well. The argument advanced by one of these deeply impressed him. He pressed me to meet him. I agreed. Mr. Sobani arranged the interview. The mill-owner opened the conversation. ‘You know that there has been Swadeshi agitation before now ?’ ‘Yes, I do,’ I replied. ‘You are also aware that in the days of the Partition we, the mill- owners, fully exploited the Swadeshi movement. When it was at its height, we raised the prices of cloth, and did even worse things.’ ‘You, I have heard something about it, and it has grieved me.’ ‘I can understand your grief, but I can see no ground for it. We are not conducting our business out of philanthropy. We do it for profit, we have got to satisfy the shareholders. The price of an article is governed by the demand for it. Who can check the law of demand and supply ? The bengalis should have known that their agitation was bound to send up the price of Swadeshi cloth by stimulating the demand for it.’ I interrupted: ‘The Bengalis like me were trustful in their nature. They believed, in the fulness of their faith, that the mill-owners would not be so utterly selfish and unpatriotic as to betray their country in the hour of its need, and even to go the length, as they did, of fraudulently passing off foreign cloth as Swadeshi.’ ‘I knew your believing nature,’ he rejoined; ‘that is why I purt you to the trouble of coming to me, so that I might warn you against falling into the same error as these simple-hearted Bengalis.’ With these words the mill-owner beckoned to his clerk who wa standing by to produce samples of the stuff that was being manufactured in his mill. Pointing to it he said: ‘Look at this stuff. This is the latest variety turned out by our mill. It is meeting with a widespread demand. We manufacture it from the waste. Naturally, therefore, it is cheap. We send it as far North as the valleys of the Himalayas. We have agencies all over the country, even in places where your voice or your agents can never reach. You can thus see that we do not stand in need of more agents. Besides, you ought to know that India’s production of cloth falls far short of its requirements. The question of Swadeshi, therefore, largely resolves itself into one of production. The moment we can increase our production sufficiently, and improve its quality to the necessary extent, the import of foreign cloth will automatically cease. extent, the import of foreign cloth will automatically cease. My advice to you, therefore, is not to carry on your agitation on its present lines, but to turn your attention to the erection of fresh mills. What we need is not propaganda to inflate demand for our goods, but greater production.’ ‘Then, surely, you will bless my effort, if I am laready engaged in that very thing,’ I asked. ‘How can that be ?’ he exclaimed, a bit puzzled, ‘but may be, you are thinking of promoting the establishment of new mills, in which case you certainly deserve to be congratulated.’ ‘ I am not doing exactly that,’ I explained, ‘but I am engaged in the revival of the spinning wheel.’ ‘What is that ?’ he asked, feeling still more at sea. I told him all about the spinning wheel, and the story of my long quest after it, and added, ‘I am entirely of your opinion; it is no use my becoming virtually an agent for the mils. That would do more harm than good to the country. Our mills will not be in want of custom for a long time to come. My work should be, and therefore is, to organize the production of handspun cloth, and to find means for the disposal of the Khadi thus produced. I am, therefore, concentrating my attention on the production of Khadi. I swear by this form of Swadeshi, because through it I can provide work to the semi-starved, semi-employed women of India. My idea is to get these women to spin yarn, and to clothe the people of India with Khadi woven out of it. I do not know how far this movement is going to succeed, at present it is only in the incipient stage. But i have full faith in it. At any rate it can do no harm. On the contrary to the extent that it can add to the cloth production of the country, he it ever so small, it will represent so much solid gain. You will thus perceive that my movement is free from the evils mentioned by you.’ He replied, ‘If you have additional production in view in organizing your movement, I have nothing to say against it. Whether the spinning wheel can make headway in this age of power machinery is another question. But I for one wish you every success. ~ AN INSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE –


It’s rising tide ~ Gandhi

I must not devote any more chapters here to a description of the further progress of Khadi. It would be outside the scope of these chapters to give a history of my various activities after they came before the public eye, and I must not attempt it, if only because to do so would require a treatise on the subject. My object in writing these chapters is simply to describe how certain things, as it were spontaneously, presented themselves to me in the course of my experiments with truth. To resume, then, the story of the non-co-operation movement. Whilst the powerful Khilafat agitation set up by the Ali Brothers was in full progress, I had long discussions on the subject with the late Maulana Abdul Bari and the other Ulema, especially, with regard to the extent to which a Musalman could observe the rule of non-violence. In the end they all agreed that Islam did not forbid its followers from following non-violence as a policy, and further, that, while they were pledged to that policy, they were bound faithfully to carry it out. At last the non-co-operation resolution was moved in the Khilafat conference, and carried after prolonged deliberations. I have a vivid recollection how once at Allahabad a committee sat all night deliberating upon the subject. In the beginning the late Hakim Saheb was secptical as to the practicability of non-violent non-co- operation. But after his scepticism was overcome he threw himself into it heart and soul, and his help proved invaluable to the movement. Next, the non-co-operation resolution was moved by me at the Gujarat political conference that was held shortly afterwards. The preliminary contention raised by the opposition was that it was not competent to a provincial conference to adopt a resolution in advance of the Congress. As against this, I suggested that the restriction could apply only to a backward movement; but as for going forward, the subordinate organizations were not only fully competent, but were in duty bound to do so, if they had in them the necessary girt and confidence. No permission, I argued was needed to try to enhance the prestige of the parent institution, provided one did it at one’s own risk. The proposition was then discussed on its merits, the debate being marked by its keenness no less than the atmosphere of ‘sweet reasonableness’ in which it was conducted. On the ballot being taken the resolution was declared carried by an overwhelming majority. The successful passage of the resolution was due not a little to the personality of Sjt. Vallabhbhai and Abbas Tyabji. The latter was the president, and his leanings were all in favour of the non-co-operation resolution. The All-India Congress Committss resolved to hold a special session of the Congress in September 1920 at Calcutta to deliberate on this question Preparations were made for it on a large scale. Lala Lajpat Rai was elected President . Congress and Khilafat specials were run to Calcutta from Bombay. At Calcutta there was a mammoth gathering of delegates anad visitors. At the request of Maulana Shaukat Ali I prepared a draft of the non- co-operation resolution in the train. Up to this time I had more or less avoided the use of the word non-vilent in my drafts. I invariably made use of this word in my speeches. My vocabulary on the subject was still in process of formation. I found that I could not bring home of the Samskrit equivalent for non-violent. I therefore asked Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad to give me some other equivalent for it. He suggested the word ba-aman; similarly for non-co-operation he suggested the phrase tark-i-mavalat. Thus, while I was still busy devising suitable Hindi, Gujarati and Urdu phraseology for non-co-operation, I was called upon to frame the non-co-operation resolution for that eventful Congress. In the original draft the word ‘non-violent’ had been left out by me. I had handed over the draft to Maulana Shaukat Ali who was travelling in the same compartment, without noticing the omission. During the night I discovered the error. In the morning I sent Mahadev with the message that the omission should be made good before the draft was sent to the press. But I have an impression that the draft was printed before the insertion could be made. The Subjects Committee was to have met the same evening. I had therefore to make the necessary correction in the printed copies of the draft. I afterwards saw that there would have been great difficulty, had I not been ready with my draft. None the less my plight was pitiable indeed. I was absolutely at sea as to who would support the resolution and who would oppose it. Nor had I any idea as to the attitude that Lalaji would adopt. I only saw an imposing phalanx of veteran warriors assembled for the fray at Calcutta, Dr. Besant, Pandit Malaviyaji, Sjt. Vijayaraghavachari, Pandit Motilalji and the Deshabandhu being some of them. In my resolution non-co-operation was postulated only with a view to obtaining redress of the Punjab and the Khilafat wrongs. That, however, did not appeal to Sjt. Vijayaraghavachari. ‘If non-co- operation was to be declared, why should it be with reference to particular wrongs ? The absence of Swaraj was the biggest wrong that the non-co-operation should be directed,’ he argued. Pandit Motilalji also wanted the demand for Swaraj to be included in the resolution. I readily accepted the suggestion and incorporated the demand for Swaraj in my resolution, which was passed after an exhaustive, serious and somewhat stromy discussion. Motilalji was the first to join the movement. I still remember the sweet discussion that I had with him on the resolution. He suggested some changes in its phraseology which I adopted. He undertook to win the Deshabandhu for the movement. The he felt sceptical as to the capacity of the people to carry out the programme. It was only at the Nagpur Congress that he and Lalaji accepted it whole heartedly. I felt the loss of the late Lokamanya very deeply at the special session. It has been my firm faith to this day that, had the Lokamanya been then alive, he would have given his benedictions to me on that occasion. But even if it had been otherwise, and he had opposed the movement, I should still have esteemed his opposition as a privilege and an education for myself. We had our differences of opinion always, but they never led to bitterness. He always allowed me to believe that the ties between us were of the closest. Even as I write these lines, the circumstances of his death stand forth vividly before my mind’s eye. It was about the hour of midnight, when Patwardhan, who was then working with me, conveyed over the telephone the news of his death. I was at that time surrounded by me companions. Spontaneously the exclamation escaped my lips, ‘My strongest bulwark is gone.’ The non- co-operation movement was then in full swing, and I was eagerly looking forward to encouragement and inspiration from him. What his attitude would have been with regard to the final phase of non-cooperation will always be a matter of speculation, and an idle one at that. But this much is certain that the deep void left by his death weighed heavily upon everybody present at Calcutta. Everyone felt the absence of his counsels in that hour of crisis in the nation’s history. ~ ITS RISING TIDE



Silence is the sublime refuge of your divine. Silence exposes the highest potential for clarity. In silence there is a perfection which any toil injures. Silence is more than observation; it informs from non-observation. Only in stillness does the imperceivable become discernible. You will only find the profoundly inexpressible in profound silence.

When we keep our silence we gather our power; when we speak we let loose the concentration of quiet reverie. Words are the fallen ruins of silent majesty. Beyond the words and ideas, there is a perfect space of total completeness called silence. Silence is another language beneath words. The language of nature is silence. Silence is so profound that it is like another dimension into which one can travel.

There is a simple path to follow that appears only when you calm your mind. On the still calm waters of surrender, the reflections of clarity appear. Inner-calm will lead you on a beautiful adventure (but not journey) back to your original self; the perfect, beautiful you! Share this with someone you love and be blessed!

When you cannot cultivate the meditative space of your own silence, your existence is tormented by endless interruption and distraction. Silence is the true center of your strongest self. Connection with yourself only comes in moments of silence. Peace is the friend we find in silence.

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